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Lux Investment

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:35 pm
by jmorris1974
Was wondering if some of you high levels could offer some advice on what lux to invest my current and future funds into? I currently have the following items, but looking to plan for the future to best help my clan out:

Focus of the Seer
Meteoric Totem
Heroic Amulet of Rejuvenation
Minor Silverweb Charm of Earth
Major Wymscale Bracelet
Minor Wyrmclaw Bracelet
Kron's Spiritseed Ring
Antique Ring of Totems
Grand Ring of Strangling Vines
Fabled Ring of Natures Touch

I am a hybrid build with full meteoric armor and currently working on my frozen set. Looking for any advice on what lux could possibly give the most focus boost that is possible. I also use the following skills:

Natures Touch
Strangling Vines
Howling Winds
Lightning Strike
Natures Breath

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Lux Investment

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:22 am
by Zyz
For solo, I would look at an offhand axe or shield (I noticed that wasn't in your list of items though)

For support, the focus. My favorite combination was an aggy grim mainhand and focus seer offhand. I don't know if you have access to aggy grims.

You have a lot of skills listed. Which are maxed out?

Re: Lux Investment

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:05 am
by jmorris1974
Vines , lightning, and touch are maxed. The rest of the points are split up between the rest of the skills. What kind of aggy grim would you recommend?

Re: Lux Investment

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:05 am
by DontHate
I would say you should work on getting good rings for aggy grimoire health or magic is what you need