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Skills Evading

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:36 am
by Skyler14SCHS
I was wonderring if my lightning strike evading 2 sometimes 3 times in a row on mobs my level or vines evading quite frequently is something I can fix myself or if its a game issue its really annoying when solo leveling a druid ive gotten to 121 no problems but at the greyish ghosts evade after evade :/ my nature magic ability is maxed and i Have more focus then a druid my level should so idk why evades so much i did howl wind on them but they still attacking me not missing and Im missing on them which is kinda ironic

Any druid mains have any advice?

Re: Skills Evading

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:24 am
by Terrae
Howling wind won't help with the mob you are attacking evading skills. I believe that the only things that affect how often your skills hit, is your focus stat and nature magic abilities, so get those up to as high as you can, past max if possible. Howling wind is useful if you solo lvl, however it will only help you evade your enemies auto attacks. howling wind is also completly useless without a certain amount of dex, or majorly defense-boosting gear.
See here: ... 48&t=17134

On a side note, the wraiths are an annoying place to lvl. At 121 I would greatly advise leveling on the blackstones across the bridge and to the left. They give good exp, fair gold, and drop runes, which can be used or sold for a pretty penny :) .
If you are solo leveling and can't stay alive for the duration of blackstones, or are getting spawned on by multiple mobs, the white trees (120+ I think?) work better, as they have more hp, but easy auto attacks, especially with a HW build.
Hope it helps, and correct me on anything Ill-advised

Re: Skills Evading

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:46 am
by Istael
I think trees are all 120- :)
First boggans can also be a good place to level. They are fast kills.

Re: Skills Evading

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:56 am
by Armo
I believe that the only things that affect how often your skills hit, is your focus stat and nature magic abilities
Not focus, only your corresponding abilities decrease your chance of evading. (As well as expose weakness from rogues)

Re: Skills Evading

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:42 am
by Kartier
Try leveling on boggans in carrowmore. The ghosts prob have a high evading chances.

Re: Skills Evading

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:23 pm
by Zyz
The ghosts were my favorite place to lvl at. I liked swarm over vines as it is evaded a lot less and fast cast.

Re: Skills Evading

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:02 am
by Skyler14SCHS
Thanks for the tips guys greatly appreciated