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I have been asked a few questions about what builds I use. As my lightning, storm touch and vines hit WAY over average as some say lol. Firstly I have a balanced amount of focus and nature magic. (I will post how much of each I have maybe in a few days lol). As per skills here's a few skill sets I use;
Lightning, Vines, Storm, bark and rest into touch.
2. Lightning, vines, storm, embrace and rest into touch
3. Lightning, vines, storm, abundance and rest into touch
4. Lightning, Vines, Storm, bees, rest into touch and low lvl bark.
Those are solo lvling ^^ a lot of people have said howling winds build is better.. I have done tests and the higher skills hits are better. (With howl build u lose focus).
Group levelling builds:
Lightning, Vines, Storm, Breathe, touch
Lightning, vines, storm, sanctuary, touch
Dps grp lvling ^^
Support grp lvling:
Ward (figure out what dmg lvling mobs do) breathe, sanctuary, touch and bark.
This next support one is a bit rare.. It's where u have a Mage with an extra lure or any other class that lures the mobs and then the rest Jump them. Your job is to keep the lure person alive; Touch, Abundance, Embrace, Bark and Sanctuary.
I have a huge stash of builds.. 50+ or so. What I just shared was some of my most used builds and most sucessful. Happy druiding!! (I say happy because if ur sad or mad I'll come act like a circus clown till you laugh).

Re: Builds

I have been asked a few questions about what builds I use. As my lightning, storm touch and vines hit WAY over average as some say lol. Firstly I have a balanced amount of focus and nature magic. (I will post how much of each I have maybe in a few days lol). As per skills here's a few skill sets I use;
Lightning, Vines, Storm, bark and rest into touch.
2. Lightning, vines, storm, embrace and rest into touch
3. Lightning, vines, storm, abundance and rest into touch
4. Lightning, Vines, Storm, bees, rest into touch and low lvl bark.
Those are solo lvling ^^ a lot of people have said howling winds build is better.. I have done tests and the higher skills hits are better. (With howl build u lose focus).
Group levelling builds:
Lightning, Vines, Storm, Breathe, touch
Lightning, vines, storm, sanctuary, touch
Dps grp lvling ^^
Support grp lvling:
Ward (figure out what dmg lvling mobs do) breathe, sanctuary, touch and bark.
This next support one is a bit rare.. It's where u have a Mage with an extra lure or any other class that lures the mobs and then the rest Jump them. Your job is to keep the lure person alive; Touch, Abundance, Embrace, Bark and Sanctuary.
I have a huge stash of builds.. 50+ or so. What I just shared was some of my most used builds and most sucessful. Happy druiding!! (I say happy because if ur sad or mad I'll come act like a circus clown till you laugh).
Balanced focus and nature magic huh?
And u loose focus with winds??
Both those are new to me, so could you please elaborate a bit more??

Re: Builds

How do you balance nature magic and focus? One is an ability and one is a stat.

How does a winds build take away from focus?

On a 3* and 4* mob 1-2 levels above you, what is the typical damage from strike, vines per tic, swarm per tic, and storm?

What level is your druid?

I know some like sanctuary. I don't. Even with 50 points in it, one good skills hit or auto and it's taken down. So, for me, it's a waste of points. I've found having more health is better than using sanctuary.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Builds

How do you balance nature magic and focus? One is an ability and one is a stat.

How does a winds build take away from focus?

On a 3* and 4* mob 1-2 levels above you, what is the typical damage from strike, vines per tic, swarm per tic, and storm?

What level is your druid?

I know some like sanctuary. I don't. Even with 50 points in it, one good skills hit or auto and it's taken down. So, for me, it's a waste of points. I've found having more health is better than using sanctuary.

I'm really curious as to what level this guy is as well. If he is below 170 i would think to disregard this.

Maybe what he means by balancing nature magic and focus is his equipment. he doesnt use jewerly that only boosts focus, he boosts focus some with jewerly and some jewerly to boost nature magic. some of the old event rings boosted your abilities.

Just a thought.
  • Onida - Ranger - 226
  • Doopliss - Warrior - 200

Re: Builds

Like all skills and abilities, they plateau. By balancing the bonuses from focus and nature magic, you reach those plateaus later. Using your equipment, you can use both natures magic gear and focus gear to balance the effects of these points. Watching the numbers, you can see which item to use in each slot, whether it be focus or natures magic. This just squeezes a few more points out of your equipment if you have the gear to play around with.
Killsteal LOCK Rogue Level 175
Killheal Druid level 195
Proud clansman of WolfGang


:D :D :mrgreen: Thank You for the Snorri Patch! :mrgreen: :D :D

Re: Builds

By balancing focus and nature magic what I meant was; kind of to have a high amount of both stats. And how does winds take away from focus? Almost every Druid I know that uses winds pairs it up with an axe which is -X focus. At level 200+ that's like losing 400 focus. I can post some screenshots of my gear and stats but I will have to put that off as I am lending some of it out. I have a base around 3k focus and 4.6k or so naturemagic but when lvling I swap out some gear and I end up with something like; 5.6k nature magic and 2890 focus (can't remember excatly) nature magic helps very well with evades and with the extra focus my damage hits maintain a higher total. (I'm not sure if it's cuz of update or more focus I have higher damage hits then before but I'm positive its both) also my level is 207, have don't a lot of experimenting with the Druid class.. Still a lot more to do lmao.

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