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Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:23 pm
Does soloing with Druid actually take longer? I was wondering where to put stat points if I was to solo with Druid, thanks.

Re: Soloing

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:51 pm
by Somber
Depends on gear up until 180. If you have OP gear for your level it's highly possible to solo as good as other dps classes. The nice thing about vines/bees is that you can let one mob die with the dots on while you start the next mob.

I personally ran with an axe offhand as I found the extra melee damage very useful and adds up. It was nice to finish a sliver of hp on a mob with a melee as opposed to wasting a lightning strike.

I always used a dps oriented ammy, at 140 I used the previous event pierce damage ammy. Most points were in foc/vit, a little dex and str. I got 75 vit/foc from Aggy lightning bracers, str from offhand axe, extra focus from a vines totem, dex from ammy and focus from charm.

I used highest vines, lightning, storm, bees, bark as I could with a level 1 touch. Level 1 is uninterruptible and allows for a decent heal just with focus. Combine that with a rabbit of the best tier you can, and you've got a 700+ free heal that can't be interrupted. I also used restos without hesitation. Makes lixing quicker.

Re: Soloing

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:57 pm
Depends on gear up until 180. If you have OP gear for your level it's highly possible to solo as good as other dps classes. The nice thing about vines/bees is that you can let one mob die with the dots on while you start the next mob.

I personally ran with an axe offhand as I found the extra melee damage very useful and adds up. It was nice to finish a sliver of hp on a mob with a melee as opposed to wasting a lightning strike.

I always used a dps oriented ammy, at 140 I used the previous event pierce damage ammy. Most points were in foc/vit, a little dex and str. I got 75 vit/foc from Aggy lightning bracers, str from offhand axe, extra focus from a vines totem, dex from ammy and focus from charm.

I used highest vines, lightning, storm, bees, bark as I could with a level 1 touch. Level 1 is uninterruptible and allows for a decent heal just with focus. Combine that with a rabbit of the best tier you can, and you've got a 700+ free heal that can't be interrupted. I also used restos without hesitation. Makes lixing quicker.
Wow. Thanks a lot.

Re: Soloing

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 6:53 pm
by Mickey
Somber nailed it. I'll only add that it's super important to maximize points in your damage skills. IIRC, there is something like a 10% damage different between 49/50 storm touch and 50/50.

Re: Soloing

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:13 pm
by Regenleif
To add to Somber's post -- I find the best Druid stat optimization to be 5/5 foc/vit, as described in other posts on this board. The bonuses from gear play nicely with this build, as do the progression of mobs and spellpower requirements.

For Example:

You level up! Yay! Add all 5 points to Focus
You level up! Yay! Add all 5 points to Vitality
You level up! Yay! Add all 5 points to Focus
You level up! Yay! Add all 5 points to Vitality

Repeat this until lvl 180 or so, where you should adjust to suit your current gear.