I would like to see what you guys would think but for me personally, it would be:
Full DG
EDL main and offhand
Godly arc ammy (leaf one)
Godly silverweb charm
Godly storm recast
Godly emberdrake bracelet of lightning
Godly aetheric ring of storm touch
Godly aetheric ring of lightning strike
Godly swarm ring
Godly Aetheric ring of lightning strike
HOTBAR totem rings after casting strike,storm etc
Skills would be: Vines, Bees, strike, storm, bark (rest abundance)
Would use a haste and attack lix and get 9.1 k attack if u were to hotbar 4 godly totem rings.
Use melee getting a couple procs and 400 divine damage from offhand and aura
Use the EDL offhand for chaos resistance
You could argue the Gelebron totem for strike or storm would be better but the skill doesn't give dmg only heal so thats why i would go for the procs.
The best druid DPS build
Last edited by Corrupt on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.