by Zacattack
Dex and str should be 5.
As for vitality and focus... Its really a question of how much health you want, I've got 400 health and I don't see myself increasing it anytime soon. The rest goes in focus.
A Druid is only useful in groups, for this reason your skills should be made to reflect that. I've got meditation at 10 and spend a lot of time using bandage wounds so my first aid ability goes up. Because when I'm in a group if the tanker is good I'll never be attacked and meditation can run the whole time. Leaving me free to throw nature touch, embrace, bark, and I might try out abundance soon. Because of my high meditation I can use these skills constantly without worry.
As for attacking skills I really don't see a purpose in them. They cancel mediation and leave you with no mana recharge, something I can't live with. They also aren't very good in general compared to other classes attacks. For this reason I don't think they have any purpose, focus more on healing and let your buddy do the damage.