Mages are still the most powerful class damage wise. They were buffed so much in the update that you think the reduction is massive, but it really isn't. Mages still do a lot more damage than they did in comparison to update 3. The same cannot be said for some other classes.
So stop whining.
I disagree with you. Yes mage got a damage boost,probably bcs we cant solo anything without it?
Mage best damage class? Please..rogues hitting 1200s auto each 1,675seconds isnt damage? Imo mage was perfect before the big nerf and now people who were whining got the mage class grounded...
Yes,alot more damage than update 3, needed it..
No rogues auto 1300 on mobs their own lvl, your numbers are way out of line.
Mages were already top dps in update 3, update 4 put then on a pedestal so far above the rest of the classes it isn't even funny. Most mages i know bragged about their damage on mobs and bosses, so don't come here claiming you needed the damage buff.
Truth is, and the admins have already stated and agree woth this, is that mages were buffed so much in the update, that the patch seems like it was a massive nerf but really it wasn't if you compare your damage to update 3. It is still a lot higher. No other classes were buffed up to that extent.
From what i have seen on the forums, mages think it is perfectly fine when they are destroying mobs their own lvl in 2 hits. Rediculous expectations.