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Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

Hello there my fellow spell caster that like to shoot fire.. Or ice.. From there hands.. So I have a question for all of you.. Which do you prefer? I can't decide which I want..

Ice- whose doesn't like shooting people with ice?
Use lots of Energy
Slow(ish) recast time

Fire- you get to burn the skin off of people
Decent damage
Not as much energy
Fast recast

So my fellow spellbinder.. Which do you prefer? And why?

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

I used to be ice.. Couldn't support energy tho so I switched to fire.. I'm soon to have 115+ energy regen so I'm thinking about switching.. But not quite sure.. I mean.. Fire is dps so iceshards might hit 1200 damage.. But fire bolt could hit 2 800's and equal 1600 damage before ice hits again.. So I don't know.. (I'm currently level 81)

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

fire, if ice will have higher dmg, a bit faster cooldown (mostly for ice blast) and less energy cost i will like it more, energy cost is just cuz i wouldnt want to waste elix or pots at lower lvls, dont mind it at higher lvls
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Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

Well, I'd say fire, but I could also say ice due to this guy named Furyion...

Fire-you can last 1 evade, and its about a 3 second cooldown. Energy cost is bearable.
Ice-you only live once. you can do about 2 fire bolts in 1 shard. energy cost is death.
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Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

What does that prove?

Fire bolt will quickly catch up and easily do way more damage after a short amount of time.

Plus with all the constant evasions it makes ice suck even more.

Yes i know your way better off with ice in a circumstance with a creature that have high fire resist.

But everyone knows fire is overall better and will come to more use to you in the game and is more effective on the majority of the enemies you fight.

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

What does that prove?

Fire bolt will quickly catch up and easily do way more damage after a short amount of time.

Plus with all the constant evasions it makes ice suck even more.

Yes i know your way better off with ice in a circumstance with a creature that have high fire resist.

But everyone knows fire is overall better and will come to more use to you in the game and is more effective on the majority of the enemies you fight.
+1 :lol:

with ice u miss u DIE...not good when u solo level. ud have attunement reset for two mins and make u kill mobs even slower...waste of time and lix there for u.
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