Let us be perfectly clear, you as a lure mage will do no dmg. You are completely reliant on others for: dailies, protection, and anything else. If you love dmg lures are not for you.
However, a good lure mage will always be in demand.
First off, i do not recommend becoming lures until atleast 180. Leveling is impossible once you are lures except dailies which others have to do for you. At 180 you will have skills up to 40pts and if i remember 179 pts to distribute. In order of importance lures are: lure of assassins(pierce),lure of soldiers(slash),lure of magic(well magic ofc), lure of fire, lure of ice, and lastly lure of giants(crush). Why this order you ask? Let me explain there are 2 pierce classes, ranger and rogue. There are 2 slash weapons, sword and axe for warrior. Magic is a druids best friend and will make a dangerous druid even more deadly. Fire and ice, these place 4th and 5th as most other mages will have max lure for themselves in whichever spec they choose. Lastly giants lure, in all honesty i do not put any points in this lure. The only weapon that crushes is hammer, mage dl wand, and totems and really the last two dont matter of my lure is maxed the dmg will still stink.
And now the fun part, stats and gear etc
Stats wise, you will not be in the forefront of battle and i personally like to drop my hp to gain focus. I run 75 vitality with full dl and this gives me 1596 health. Does it take a few idols to get to snorri, yes but more focus ups the amount of resist removed by lures. If you prefer more 2k is a nice round number.
As a lure mage, there are 3 lures which are fire ability and 3 which are ice this means the joy of trying to max both to most effective. FIRE: assassins, soldier and fire. ICE: magic, giant, and ice. You can lure with one or the other lower but i find it most effective to max both.
Gear(armor etc): full dl armor, if you cannot get this my stats and stuff wont match your so you will have to experiment hp wise. I also use dl wand, and dark +9 freeze skull. Why the skull? Because frankly i find it fun to freeze people in arena sense it's all i can do. If and when you can try to obtain dl offhand. It's all about focus to raise lure power. I have 2 aggy braces for 150 focus combined. I also carry focus of the mystic and have the new 1 mill focus ammy. With all chimed gear i usually have 9500-9800 energy ruffly. If I put on my event charm i break the 10k mark at 10,045.
Gear(rings and charms): let's be quite frank if you get anything over a royal ring you are the lure god or goddess js. However most likely you will have royals, well atleast i hope. We can pick a multitude of rings here. Personally i choose royal and grand assassin, and royal and grand soldier. This gives me 49/40 assassin and soldier lures for a resist remove of almost 1200 each factoring in focus. This brings a 190 rogues dmg up 600pts a hit ruffly. You do that math on a boss

So by this point i have 50/40 magic, 49/40 assassin and soldier. This leaves me 63 points after maxing these to 40 at lvl 180. Now you can kinda pick what you want. If you have an awesome ice mage who always shows up for everything you may not need to max ice lure, and the same with fire. However personally i chose fire lure here and freeze. Why freeze u ask? Well when your group gets swarmed by adds its nice to be able to just stop one until the others die if you are low on people. This being said i run 37/40 freeze with +9 skull. So I have 28 actual points into freeze and with skull can freeze up to 190 mobs. This leaves me 35 points. I chose fire. Rogue and ranger armor are heat dmg. And i find on my server most have heat offhands. Therefore IMO in my situation fire was the better choice.
So we have: lvl 180 lure mage with 50/40 magic lure, 49/40 assassin and soldier, 35/40 fire and 37/40 freeze. Again this may not be your preference but i find it quite a good build. Every clans needs are however different.
Side note: dont feel bad if you never get a drop. From what I have seen there are very few new boss drops for lure mages sadly. Would love for someone to post and prove that wrong btw! Every lure mage needs hope lol!