Exactly.but this resist fault, so the bosses with higher resists will do like 300 or 400 dmg, this is even better on edl bosses cause u see tanks more often and those bosses has bigger evasion and cloack of fire cant be evadedDepends on what boss you are talking about. A maxed cloak and maxed fire lure might hit around 600 on met/warden bosses, maaaaybe some frozen. But I doubt you'd see 600 dmg hits on edl, and maybe not on dl either, let alone raid bosses.lmao i already tanked myself in a boss and it does 600dmg per hit and they hit really fast
some edls like 195 do 600 dmg cause dont have big fire resist
Just curious, but what level is your cloak of fire, and what does the stat page say that the damage for the skill is? If it's regularly hitting 600 on dl or edl bosses, it's gotta be at least a thousand or more...which is actually quite strong.