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Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

you use restos, but like how many per elixir? I don't mind the price but it's just that nobody sells...
i have 150 hp sigils and like 300 energy
Not many, I just spare a few seconds for my sigils to kick in. I usually use restos when I go to fast and I'm about to die :p
haha same then :)
I wanna know: do you level faster with a group or alone?
I usually lvl alone, but groups are a good thing. Getting a full group and going into a 3* 4* cave is really effective. You don't really need a full group. If you get a small but deadly dos group then you will be soaring with xp :)
TheLastMortal | Lvl 189 | Danu

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