Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Check out these skill dmg difference with 'fixes'

Lol y u still play mage
Lot mages quitted to play op warrior and rogue nowaday.

In pvp:
Mage casting firebolt...
*shadow strike instant* 2k dmg no need lure
'Firebolt interupted'
Mage casting firebolt....
*quick strike instant* 1k dmg no need lure as super low armor on mage
' firebolt interupted'
Mage casting firebolt....
* double attack cant resist* 2k dmg no need lure as super low armor on mage and high dmg auto no nerf
'You are died!'

ppl like u are the idiots who made mages get nerfed

'warrior and rogue are op'
first, since i assume u havent played those 2 at high lvls, dont say they're op, noone gives a crap about pvp
second, since ppl like u said mages are OP, look how ice blast got nerfed
third, if ur really that weak, and at lvl 176 u cant even solo a single mob, or have enough energy for over 3-5 skills, and u die after 5 hits, then god, change ur build, what are ur stats? everything in str and dex?
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Check out these skill dmg difference with 'fixes'

Was that nerf just recent? I always say, ice is more risk for less dps. The damage range for ice is worse than fire . I rarely hit in the 2ks with fire, high 3ks to lower 4ks is normal damage with fire. When I used ice, average damage was in the 3-4ks with a chance of 2ks and a chance of 5-7ks. They both average at the same damage but ice's recharge makes it very frustrating to use.

Mage is the least played class in the game and it will stay that way for the lifetime of Celtic Heroes.

Energy shield was only nerfed for pvp, check the energy shield thread. I've tested it and provided valuable information for all to use.
Lvl 191 Mage, to lazy to level past that.
Lvl 150 Druid

Re: Check out these skill dmg difference with 'fixes'

Energy shield wasnt only nerfed in pvp. it used to be focus based, meaning the more focus you had the more shield you had. as far as ice vs fire, the higher damage with the blast made ice mages appealing to play as, but since this nerf of like 55% or whatever, people switched to fire cause ice mages got shafted. Evades and damage fluctuation only adds to the problem. i know mages with over 3k ice magic who are 180+ and miss on stupid bosses like stonefang. Further a mage who has a 9600 damage record whose damage fluctuates between 4500 and 9500. anyone who says fire has more dps is right. ice mages are very good for short fights and against those with low ice resistance.

i strongly believe that blast damage should boosted to what it used to be. then more people would play mages hopefully and more choices. people always say mages in general need a boost. correct. however, i believe ice mages need to be evaluated closer and boosted a bit more.

Re: Check out these skill dmg difference with 'fixes'

Energy shield wasnt only nerfed in pvp. it used to be focus based, meaning the more focus you had the more shield you had.
Please see my posts in the energy shield thread.

I understand the nerf to ice blast, 10k damage is insane for pvp. But the recharge should have been reduced to compensate. I think OTM would agree if they actually looked into it.

They remind me of Peter Jackson with The Lord of the Rings, they don't seem to like magic.
Lvl 191 Mage, to lazy to level past that.
Lvl 150 Druid

Re: Check out these skill dmg difference with 'fixes'

no, idiots like u who say a class is OP and ask to nerf it, and then OTM does


Show me any my post to nerf mage?

80% my post ask to boost mage instead.

urgh, so hard to explain idiots why they're idiots

i didnt say u are the one who got mages nerfed, but u said warriors and rogues are OP, and ppl, just like u, said mage is OP, i guess u know what happened after they said that, am i right?
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

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