I know the builds our rogues are running and I know their mindset on these things. Anything that hits higher then your auto attack is an increase in dps.That is so baseless. It's like sayin we can kill necro in 15m with all rogues having ss n life steal in build as well as saying all mages go ice build on raid bosses. Both can be accomplished at this point in game, but it's not the best way is it? Al I'm saying is assassinate is TRASH as a dps skill to be run in a daily build. Sneaky, ss,qs, double and poison wep/rend is by far the best. Not some broken skill. Then again ur a mage so won't understand anything what I said.
You may not agree with this, fine. I have an end game mage and a semi end-game rogue. Idk why your so arrogant to say I have no knowledge on these things. Our server is by far not the worst, so how can we be on top with such sucky rogues?
To come back on your ice mage example. A good geared ice mage can get the kill on mordy for sure. At gele ice mages are a must for the crystals. Ice is decent on hrung. Just an off topic question to you: what is it with you being against ice mages?