Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

(gladiators do have low resistance.)
So does everything else with a good lure.

Not sure where gladiators came from though, don't think anyone mentioned them. (Directed to carebear)
Maybe look on the picture where the guys using i shards on a glad to try to prove a point? I guess you missed that

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

Using glads as an example shows nothing. Their attack str and defense are absurdly low :lol:
"attack", "strength", "attack str" (dmg?), nor defense affect skill damage. What does is resistance. (gladiators do have low resistance.)
My point lies within the first sentence. The glads arent a good example of proving a point with their weak stats all around aside from hp. Doesnt matter if its piercing, crushing, slashing, magic or anything else. Theyre weak. A better test would be a boss or another player with about the same gear and resistances.

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

I suppose the best test would be to make a fire mage and an ice mage with the same gear, resistances, lvl, and points on their respective skills(fire bolt/ice shards, incinirate and frostbite ect..) and see who wins. Whose got the patience and time for that though and who cares that much

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

Maybe look on the picture where the guys using i shards on a glad to try to prove a point? I guess you missed that
I guess I did. :(

But the point still stands that anything can be hit high with a good enough lure. Seen mages hit 8000+ on wyrms, so...
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

Being a good ice mage is possible ofc, as u can see Furyion is a great ice mage according to the pics at least, but i guess its harder to do, also a fire mage is much more stable, evasions screw ice mages really bad, u need extremely high ice magic i guess
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

In all honesty.. I guess it really does depend on what you like.. I switched to ice mage and I love it.. I leveled with an ice mage when I was fire.. We pulled whole rooms and it was kinda fast.. But when I went full ice we were in and out in 10 seconds (on a good run.. If they didnt evade).. So I like both to be honest.. Fire is fast.. But ice is powerful! And I love it :lol: :lol:

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