Celtic Heroes

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Re: Mord Mage Braces

Ummm, admin? We need someone to mop up all the drool that every mage on the forum just slobbered on this thread...
That brace is crazy, talk about being unstopable in pvp too!
+1, the floor is soaking wet.
World: Rhiannon

Level 115 Ice Mage, xXxDEATHxXx
Level 74 Rogue, QuickDeath
Level 121 Rogue, ElectricBlue

If I cared, I'd probably be mad at you. Sorry.

Re: Mord Mage Braces

We got tonnes of books, not enough good bracers.
Wow there s seriously like 2books in epona and 50+ spears
Our mordris s broken :/
I would like us to have 50+ spears, all the spears we get are foc/dex, 2 dark str (all void are focus) and i believe theres 0 vit spears at Belenus, but we do have many good grims, void ones as well.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Mord Mage Braces

Sry for the necropost but, we just got godly sacrifice brace :lol:
What is the accompanying skill boost?

Our mordy godly bandage wounds braces (you read right, braces) with first aid boosts are pretty hilarious.
Xanadu - Mage 228+ - Forever - Rosmerta

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