Focus-More damage, less survivabilty
Shield-Less damage, more survivabilty
Axe-Conditional damage, conditional more survivabilty then focus
Mount-More damage then shield, less then focus. Also more survivabilty then focus, but less then shield. Also saves you the cost of a travel and or energy lix(maybe hp lixes too, if you use e shield). Also can come with a skill.
Also, more survivabilty means you can fight several enemies at once if need be.... Which means you can use your firestorm or ice blast to hit 2 enemies instead of 1, dealing more dps, and getting more xp.
The axe has conditional damage for 2 reasons.
1. It gives more dps for ice(for the weapon that is)
2. It works better when complemented with a quick weapon, or dl wand.
Using a melee/caster hybrid with an axe can surpass a full caster under certain conditions.
The axe has conditional survivabilty over the focus because it grants one elemental resist
Also, remember that you could always quick swap from a focus to an axe when your waiting on downtime to auto for increased dps, combining the caster with the hybrid.
Re: Hmm
#21World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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