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Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!

This build looks pretty good, just wondering... Would it work for a newbie with only around 100 h2h?

I like the Jack trades build, but this badass build might have some flaws (mage armour being too low, not being able to solo train etc), also would dex help?
I will occasionly browse the forums, but for the most part im done.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message, as my E-mail is hooked up with the messages :D

Thank you everyone, for making this a special game.

Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!

This build looks pretty good, just wondering... Would it work for a newbie with only around 100 h2h?

I like the Jack trades build, but this badass build might have some flaws (mage armour being too low, not being able to solo train etc), also would dex help?
Well could be more specific which builds are te jack of all trades and badass build?

Dex, no because you want to get hit for fire cloak. Also dex doesn't help chance to hit too much.

I have 100 h2h right now and I can't solo train but I am an awesome addition to any group because of my health and support lures.

The melee mage really helps open up skill points to become a support mage.
Last edited by mdimarco on Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
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Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!

I've recently just tried a similar build.
I am a level 132 mage.
I have never used a rebirth but I have definitely used over 60+ of book of alt ever since update adjusting my skills accordingly to the my levelling environment.
It worked perfect duo-ing with a druid(133)

Stats were : 5 5 490 185

Golden Crown Energisation
Greater earthstone greaves + 40 heat damage
greater earthstone breasplate(borrowed) +80 heat
Heroic Boots
Heroic Gloves
Golden ICE blade + 200 cold damage ( borrowed as I found nobody with Golden Fire Blade)

Greater Earhstone blackthorn Necklace +40 heat +40 magic
Radiant Earthstone willow ring : +250 attack
Royal Lure of Fire +5 to skill stated
Royal Cloak of Fire +5 '' '' ''
Fabled Cloak of fire +3 '' '' ''

My skills are as follows: with 27 skill points left.
25 Firebolt ( Just used to speed kills up)
30 Cloak of Fire ( 38/30 with rings)
23 Lure of Fire ( 25/28 with ring)
30 E Shield (I just love this skill)

Note: Fireball was optional, i was still able to kill the red ponies without. Energy shield is also optional as not many can use it consecutively.
I sometimes swap out my Cloak rings for Firebolt (+3 and +4) or for my energy(shield +3 and +4)
I have 300 energy sigls
Druid had abundance and a 1k heal.

With this build I was able to kill ponies without the dreadful(especially on lava) post-battle regen.
I could just kept autoing 150-250's along with my 290 firecloak damage(lured)
I trained my Hand 2 Hand ability after reading this guide and will train it to 1k+ as it helped alot with landing the punches.

Overall, This build is sigil-friendly ( with the exception of e shield) and a good way to duo train.
Like i said i havent tried with fire blade but i can see damage being higher.
Radiant Top and BP would make this build quite deadly.
I haven't tried PVP with it yet as I'm focused on finding a levelling rather than PVP build.
If I missed anything out or any questions regarding my test build drop me a reply and I'll try and answer ASAP.

on a personal note, Mages shouldn't be melee'ing to produce a decent dps rate!
Thanks for ur build and stats.

Mdimarco, I'll give the build a go and see how it works. Will have to build up my h2h ability.

That being said, i do lIke my current Mage build :(. But feel that I should try

Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!

Here is my mage with moderate gear for this build, uses 40 dmg ammy, 50 fire helm, heroic haste gloves, and golden fire blade (200). I hit for about 150-250 on auto punching.

With this same build before the firebolt (i had 20 spare points) I could solo a 2 star ghost over my level by 2. Without the gear I could only solo 1 star. Now with firebolt I am probably close to killing 3 star ghosts solo.

lvl 32 cloak of fire
lvl 34 lure of fire
lvl 20 lure of soldiers
lvl lvl 21 firebolt
lvl 9 sacrifice
lvl 10 bandage wounds
lvl 7 recuperate

I plan to add energy and get health sigils and put those 26 points into lure assasin and firebolt.

20 focus
rest vitality
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
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Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!


Heroic speed gloves
Golden blade of fire
Fastest wand you can find, mabye sunflower or yulestave not sure. EDIT: just go bare hand!
Marco, is the purpose of h2h because of the speed with the gloves vs the speed of a wand? Also, what would you think of this build with low VIT and high FOC with the use of e shield? Would it still be a viable build? It would certainly allow me to make use of the 400 sigils I've already bought.

Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!


Heroic speed gloves
Golden blade of fire
Fastest wand you can find, mabye sunflower or yulestave not sure. EDIT: just go bare hand!
Marco, is the purpose of h2h because of the speed with the gloves vs the speed of a wand? Also, what would you think of this build with low VIT and high FOC with the use of e shield? Would it still be a viable build? It would certainly allow me to make use of the 400 sigils I've already bought.
Yes to everything.

I personally was fed up with eshield cooldown thats why I ditched it. But now im thinking of going 200 focus 400 vit and about 15 points in eshield, but not relying on eshield as much to get around the cooldown ( max of 1 shield per fight) .

I have 400 sigils too :)
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!


Heroic speed gloves
Golden blade of fire
Fastest wand you can find, mabye sunflower or yulestave not sure. EDIT: just go bare hand!
Marco, is the purpose of h2h because of the speed with the gloves vs the speed of a wand? Also, what would you think of this build with low VIT and high FOC with the use of e shield? Would it still be a viable build? It would certainly allow me to make use of the 400 sigils I've already bought.
Yes to everything.

I personally was fed up with eshield cooldown thats why I ditched it. But now im thinking of going 200 focus 400 vit and about 15 points in eshield, but not relying on eshield as much to get around the cooldown ( max of 1 shield per fight) .

I have 400 sigils too :)
Excellent to see you're thinking of something similar to what I had in mind. I don't have the gear yet buy at level 71 I have gotten my h2h to 680 and climbing!

Re: Exciting new build: elite melee mage!

Current and best yet melee build (rivals a intricately tuned normal dps mage but requires much less energy, is more fun for me, and has more spare skill points)

5 str
30 dex
200 focus
400 vitality

25 firebolt
32 firecloak
15 fire lure
13 bandage wounds
15 lure of soldiers
25 energy shield
8 points saved for lure of assasins + 7 from rings

golden blade of fire (200)
golden helm of fire (50)
40 damage midsummer? amulet
heroic haste gloves
diamond chest and pants
1 prepatch invigoration bracelet
1 post patch invigoration bracelet
skill rings (taken into account in my skills)

I hit from 150-250+ on auto every 1.6 seconds
Firebolt hits from 250-450
eshield blocks about 900 damage roughly
my health is bout 2.7 k
energy about 1.7k

energy sigils 400

One of my clannies called me a "Battle Mage" nice!
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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