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New mage!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:35 pm
by Hazoid
Hello there,
I am a new mage on a world of Gwydion.. only joined last night.
I have bought platinum and bought the following items: Heroic amulet of rejuv, Heroic gloves of haste, Heroic boots of speed and Bloodlust helm of a private seller..
I have 774k left over and I was wondering, Do I need anything else? :?:

Level 34 | Stats 5 5 100 80 | Skills Firebolt 11/15 | CloakOfFire 13/15 | LureOfFire 5/15 | IceShards 7/15

Do I need other Luxury items? or any other stuff? or should I save until im a higher level?
Thanks for your feedback on this post and your time for reading itt.
# Haziod

EDIT: Also were can you find Lure of Ice and Energy shield? Thanks :lol:

P.S cya on gwydion if your on it :P

Re: New mage!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:10 am
by Olemgolem
That sounds pretty good to me so far! Training and leveling will be a breeze for you since you won't have to ever worry about recharging mana.

Re: New mage!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:00 pm
by Hazoid

Level 50 | Stats 5 5 155 110 | Health 863 | Energy 961
Skills | FireBolt 16/17 | IceShards 10/17 | LureOfFire 5/17 | CloakOfFire 15/17 | EnergyShield 8/17 all rest 1/17
Got warden breastplate, bloodlust helm, heroic gloves of haste and boots of speed, heroic ammy of rejuv and 740K left over.
#Thanks! ;)

Re: New mage!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:06 pm
by Skenkee
Lvl very fast. Try and do the "key quest" at castle then run to otherworld and but diamond armor there.
You have to be lvl 60 to be able to wear it. And collect crystals to open the shop. but that's easy.

Re: New mage!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:14 pm
by Hazoid
Elixrs ftw! haha.

- and I think i mightt save my money for the new dragon armour coming out (I know it has restrictions)
or just get the diamond bp and greaves since i have luxury items on my head, hands, gloves :D

Thanks for the feedback
#Hazoid :D