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People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 5:57 pm
Yes u need a tank to make this be good, but if a boss dont need a tank, u are killing a very weak boss, other way u can use when u have like 3 ppl in u group then cloack everyone, and its pretty nice help low lvl players with a super maxed cloack of fire and u have the dl and edl armour bonus!

obs: its bad for killing mobs cause they autoattack very slow, so bad for lvling, almost all bosses autoattack really fast so this do A LOT OF DAMAGE

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:32 pm
by Mind
Question from the non-mage:
who gets the aggro and damage (counted toward lock/kill), the caster or the recipient?

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:44 pm
Question from the non-mage:
who gets the aggro and damage (counted toward lock/kill), the caster or the recipient?
the recipient, i mean only the tank u put the fire cloack can see the dmg, but u can see how powerful it is if u tank a boss

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:19 pm
by bob the mage
I believe a lvl 50 cloak does like 50 dmg per hit on bosses, if that much.
Outside of power leveling noobs it’s worthless

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:48 pm
by Raburto
Great for power lix, bad for bossing, your better off putting those points to incinerate.

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:05 pm
I believe a lvl 50 cloak does like 50 dmg per hit on bosses, if that much.
Outside of power leveling noobs it’s worthless
lmao i already tanked myself in a boss and it does 600dmg per hit and they hit really fast

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:35 pm
by Eragon123
I believe a lvl 50 cloak does like 50 dmg per hit on bosses, if that much.
Outside of power leveling noobs it’s worthless
lmao i already tanked myself in a boss and it does 600dmg per hit and they hit really fast
Depends on what boss you are talking about. A maxed cloak and maxed fire lure might hit around 600 on met/warden bosses, maaaaybe some frozen. But I doubt you'd see 600 dmg hits on edl, and maybe not on dl either, let alone raid bosses.

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:38 pm
by Ash A
Imma test dis.

We got a fire dino grim with a lure skill...dg fire mages with maxed lure...maxed phoenix....should increase the damage nicely.

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:59 pm
by Zkills
Fire cloak is op for power leveling low lvl noobs... it’s so satisfying putting a max cloak on a noob and then having them run around the entire catacombs obliterating everything that gets aggro’d lol. Godly exp (pretty good for power leveling up to carrowmore too, but starts to suck in tower).

Re: People dont use cloack of fire but its pretty good tho

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:11 pm
I believe a lvl 50 cloak does like 50 dmg per hit on bosses, if that much.
Outside of power leveling noobs it’s worthless
lmao i already tanked myself in a boss and it does 600dmg per hit and they hit really fast
Depends on what boss you are talking about. A maxed cloak and maxed fire lure might hit around 600 on met/warden bosses, maaaaybe some frozen. But I doubt you'd see 600 dmg hits on edl, and maybe not on dl either, let alone raid bosses.
but this resist fault, so the bosses with higher resists will do like 300 or 400 dmg, this is even better on edl bosses cause u see tanks more often and those bosses has bigger evasion and cloack of fire cant be evaded
some edls like 195 do 600 dmg cause dont have big fire resist