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Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:58 am
by saniz
Hie Friends,
Its My 1st Post in forum and im a sort of newbie mage lvl30
I have been playing and having hard times to lvl up..
I have been always confused about the way to make my mage better.
soo im here to get Some Ideas and Share Ideas to people Like me..
Soo Please the Senior mages Please Share Ur Experience With me..
Hope I get Great Responce...
Cheers For Celtic Heroes

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:57 am
by Master
Following the quest line is i think the easiest way to lvl.
Regarding making your mage better, you could visit Notsofast's thread here ... 49&t=18523 For the different setups for a mage if you have not already.
There are lots of posts on builds if that's what you mean. Obviously lures help A lot with your dps.
Regarding items that a good mage would equip would be to get the Samhain Armour (the people by the temple leystone in Lir's Reach) until you can get ancient or continue with upgrading that.
Welcome to the forums and if you have any other questions i , or other mages can answer them. :)

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:41 am
by Drizzt
Anything that increases focus increases your damage forget wands there crap
Anything that regens energy you don't need health as you shouldn't be one getting hit in a group
Just enough health to survive if you pull aggro
And anything that increases armour as mages have very little of it

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:37 am
by saniz
Following the quest line is i think the easiest way to lvl.
Regarding making your mage better, you could visit Notsofast's thread here ... 49&t=18523 For the different setups for a mage if you have not already.
There are lots of posts on builds if that's what you mean. Obviously lures help A lot with your dps.
Regarding items that a good mage would equip would be to get the Samhain Armour (the people by the temple leystone in Lir's Reach) until you can get ancient or continue with upgrading that.
Welcome to the forums and if you have any other questions i , or other mages can answer them. :)
Thank you for the warm Welcome and a reply..
really Forum is the best place to understand the game! :D

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:38 am
by saniz
Anything that increases focus increases your damage forget wands there crap
Anything that regens energy you don't need health as you shouldn't be one getting hit in a group
Just enough health to survive if you pull aggro
And anything that increases armour as mages have very little of it
Yah U talk Like A boss..
Thanks For the sugestion..

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:14 pm
by Spitfire
If you mostly group make sure you get a couple lures. Assassins probably the best for rangers and rogues.

If you solo I would use cloak. Single cast will last a long time even if your out for energy and if another mob attacks you at the same time your killing them both.

Good Luck. Boards are a great resource.

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:39 pm
by UziTheLearned
about a 4/1 focus/ vit ratio. And always have firebolt maxed, cloak of fire maxed, energy boost maxed, and lure of fire maxed. Of course, in order to max them u need to lvl a lot.

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:03 pm
by Rebirth
While I was training around your level, I used this skill build(as they are very difficult for mages):

Energy shield - Do not max it. It takes up too much energy at that level. I would bring it up to about half of your maximum skill points
Energy boost - Keep this relatively high. If you notice yourself running out of energy often, put more points in it.
Firebolt and Ice shards - Put the rest of your points in these
Healing - I used the tavern to heal up if my energy shield broke in a tough fight and I needed health.

Notice that I didn't use lures in this build. I didn't exactly have the money to spend on book of alts, and skill points are scarce in the lower levels. I never have used lures, except at 1/20.
I would say not to use over 5 different skills

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:16 am
by SmartOne96
In my humble opinion a lure makes all the difference.
It is best to put at least a few points in the lures of the type of attack you use. Ex. Fire lure if you have points in fire bolt and ice lure if you have points in shards.
I see a dramatic increase in damage with a lure. Depending on resistance it can double my damage. At lower lvls where resistances may be lower it may not be a big deal but at least a few points should be invested in lures. (I recommend about half of what is in the attack spell)

Re: Items That A Good Mage Equips!!

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:29 pm
by left4dead
at level 30 you really shouldnt needa ask for help on forums.

however i suggest hitting the tav then head back to your usual spot and go all out.