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My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:30 am
by TheLastMortal
I can solo level easy with this:

5 Strength
20 Dex (brace)
405 Focus(910)
300 Vitality

Energy: 5207 (No energy well) 5333 (energy well)
Helath: 1950 (Gonna mess around with Focus and Vit to add more hp)

Adamant Top/Bottoms (90 Focus)
Golden Crown Wizard (50 Focus)
Focus of the Seer (200 Focus)
Spiritshadow gloves (15 Focus)
Darkshadow boots (10 Focus - Gonna get spirit soon)
110 Aggy Book (125 Focus)
Hero Ammy
Rev Energy brace
Skill rings
royal wyrm (15 Focus)
camo charm
EDIT: I use full frozen

Firestorm 34/30
Firebolt 30/30
Fire attainment 37/30
E Shield 29/30
Fire Lure 14/30
Incinerate 14/30

Leveling guide for 120-140
When I solo level I usually have a few resto pots just in case (I have a few health sigils which helps a lot). I go to the 140 boggan path and start there. On 1*-2* mobs I start by casting my buff spells: fire attune, lure of fire. Then i cast my damage spells: firestorm, than firebolt. After all of that I cast incinerate to finally kill the mob if it drops to a little health which happens a lot to me because my fireboat cuts loose on a little less damage to finish the kill. 1* and 2* mobs are what this build is most effective on. I usually 2 hit 1* with fs,fb cast if all my buffs succeeded. The 2* or normally rangers are a little tougher. I sometimes e shield before I do one of those just to stay safe. I stay on the path up to the first 140 cave then tp back to tribal and make my way back. Usuallu after killing on the path, the old ones respawn boosting the speed of my leveling. I love this build and it is very effective. This doesn't just apply to solo leveling. This can also work very well in group leveling. I hope levels 120 to 140 can learn some tips and tricks from this. Thanks! This is my first guide by the way :D hope you all like!

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 11:24 am
by Solid
A very effective, but expensive build.

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 2:16 pm
by Croquette
do you have any sigils?

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 2:44 pm
by TheLastMortal
do you have any sigils?
Yes I have about 200 health and 200 energy. Since having such a high amount of energy, i usually use restos to regain a bit of energy.

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 2:47 pm
by TheLastMortal
A very effective, but expensive build.
Yes, I sold my broom to get some money and buy adament. Indeed, this is an expensive build. Most of the gear isn't necessary like the camo charm or hero brace. I just added that to completely show what I wear. Im borrowing the focus of seer :D I have the 150 one and I just wanted the energy boost so my friend Mixx lent it to me :)

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:55 pm
by Croquette
you use restos, but like how many per elixir? I don't mind the price but it's just that nobody sells...
i have 150 hp sigils and like 300 energy

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:00 am
by TheLastMortal
you use restos, but like how many per elixir? I don't mind the price but it's just that nobody sells...
i have 150 hp sigils and like 300 energy
Not many, I just spare a few seconds for my sigils to kick in. I usually use restos when I go to fast and I'm about to die :p

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:51 pm
by Croquette
you use restos, but like how many per elixir? I don't mind the price but it's just that nobody sells...
i have 150 hp sigils and like 300 energy
Not many, I just spare a few seconds for my sigils to kick in. I usually use restos when I go to fast and I'm about to die :p
haha same then :)
I wanna know: do you level faster with a group or alone?

Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:48 pm
by Solaris
Hehe, i got exactly the same built (even same sigils), except with more fire bolt (rings) and no inc. I use the same strategy: shield when needed and a few pots, just in case. It works like a charm!

I solo'd 120-130 at blackstones in ow though, not at boggans. The runes that drop give a nice extra financial boost as well.
I plan on doing 130-133 in ow, then move to boggans.


Re: My Fire Mage build and solo leveling guide 120-140

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:56 pm
by TheLastMortal
Hehe, i got exactly the same built (even same sigils), except with more fire bolt (rings) and no inc. I use the same strategy: shield when needed and a few pots, just in case. It works like a charm!

I solo'd 120-130 at blackstones in ow though, not at boggans. The runes that drop give a nice extra financial boost as well.
I plan on doing 130-133 in ow, then move to boggans.

Forgot about the blackstones. I lvled there also 120-133 then moved to boggans. Glad to hear it works for you!