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Fire Mage help

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:04 am
by BlackFireBall
Hello everyone! I'm here to ask what is a suitable fire build, I'm level 81. Here's my stats: strength: 5 dex: 40 focus: 300 and vit, 85. And my skills are: bolt 20/20 fire attunement 20/20 esheild 20/20 lure of fire 10/20 cloak of fire 10/20. Gear: full loremantle armor, loremantle wand, and arcane orb of the spirit. I know esheild is ice magic, that's why I'm questioning if I should use the pts in esheild and use it to max cloak and lure. If anyone can help me get a nice build that would be nice :) thank you for your time!

Re: Fire Mage help

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:09 am
by BlackFireBall
Oh, I forgot to mention I also I have firestorm, it does 400 DMG with 20/20 fire attunement. At 1/20 so I still use it

Re: Fire Mage help

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:42 am
by Solid
Keep firestorm at lvl 1 it's enough (I kind of have a dislike for AoE skills, being a bit biased here), keep shield it's a great skill, add more pts to vit in future.

Well overall u have a great build don't really have a comment.