Freeze? imo i don't think it's a good skill because after you attack them they unfreeze, but this could help with the cooldowns.
And how about frostbite? i like the skill but i'm a noob so idk much.
I have a better option of dps used by the best dps mage ive seen (he has fire and ice mage both lvl 182 or 184)
Full Dps lvling build - Ice Mage :
ice shards - maxed
ice blast - maxed
ice attune - maxed
ice lure - half of ur max skill pts (if ur max is 10, then 5, at the end it should be 25)
fire bolt - why firebolt in ice mage build? well full dps will have fastest skills, firebolt is great (while using lure at lvl 1), the speed is amazing, the dmg is great, cooldown is so fast, much much better for nuking on small fights (much better than frostbite or inc) - extra pts here
Full Dps lvling build - Fire Mage :
firebolt - maxed
firestorm - maxed
fire attune - maxed
fire lure - halved like ice lure
ice shards - again all the extra pts in here, fastest ice skill, strong with lvl 1 lure, fast casting, extra element just like firebolt on ice build, fast-medium cooldown, medium energy cost
now since lure is halved, u could even max all 4 + half on lure at some point, and then u have another extra skill (which means having 6 skills)
the same mage that offered me this build, had tons of extra pts, with 4 aggy rings (+6 7 8 firestorm and 8 firelure) + full dl + 2 aggy bracelets, he added iceblast, ive seen him doing 2k at least (on bosses) with every maxed skills + 1.5k+ with ice blast not maxed, king's adds are falling like flies against his full dps build
hes more effective due dual logging with ice mage (having fire and ice lures), but it works great alone, mobs die so fast, and if u have enough money to elix from lvl 25, u can afford the energy cost