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Mage vs rogue

So musing on why I fail at getting lock on dl bosses so often. I was looking at the max skill hit and was suprised to find that a Mage does not show up until number 45 for all worlds. So much for "sacrifice of armour" for greater damage. Sometimes I wonder what purpose a Mage has anymore?
Rockefeller Level 180+ ice mage

Re: Mage vs rogue

Mages have large DPS, it's usually dispensed over time however with 'setting up' (lure, attune shield etc). On DL placeholders 4*/5* rouges usually get the kill with their instant DPS, whilst mages and rangers usually get the kill on the 6*. Rogues on end game bosses are mainly placed on the adds for fast kills to prevent the boss from dealing additional dps mages, can also place lures to increase the damage of all forces.

Ice mages are slow 'setting up', I'm guessing you're leading off with ice shards, as you're finish casting it the rogue has used the majority of his skills and achieved the lock.

Nothing to worry about the just the way the game currently works. :)

Re: Mage vs rogue

A rogue has huge benefits over a mage in dps for a dl fight. Remember that dl bosses have over 2,000 resist in fire, ice, magic, pierce, slash, and crush. It has 0 resist to divine and poison.

With a 50 lure of ice, 1208 ice resist reduction, i can only hit at best 4400 ice blast with a 10k max. So 44% of my max is my best hit. Normal hits are between 20-35% of my max with a 50 lure.

A rogue will hit 50-100% of their poison damage because dl bosses have no resist. So poison weapon with divine bonus from armor, and proc chance from weapon, will give a rogue substantial damage output for dl bosses.

Rogues are currently the most played characters in this game for a reason. For locking a boss, they have the fastest burst damage. For killing bosses, they have the highest dps output. For leveling, they have decent survival and a fast kill rate.

Mages are damage/support class. Why our armor is so low baffles me as well but i think it has more to do with OTM selling resurrection idols than anything else.
Lvl 191 Mage, to lazy to level past that.
Lvl 150 Druid

Re: Mage vs rogue

all true. its a bit unfair that rogues get unresistable damage, higher armor, damage on dl gear, etc. (and then complain about it :)) but thats a topic for another day. rogues generally will get the kills on the dl bosses since they dont have any extreme weakness to say ice or fire. they are generally well rounded, hence why a rogue will mostly get the kill. however i do know of some very powerful mages who can out dps rogues sometimes on dl bosses. next, on to bosses with low resists to fire or ice. an ice mage should be able to out dps a rogue on say pyrus or fellfire. so mages shine against enemies with low resistances.

remember, ice and fire magic are your friends, increase it. adding to these abilities will significantly increase dps.

Re: Mage vs rogue

You don't exactly play a Mage for highest damage. The whole point of a Mage is to wreak havoc to enemy/enemies from a distance. Unlike rogues, you don't have to get up close and personal and get targeted by every single AOE.

As other have said, the reason Rogues, as well as Rangers have such high DPS is because of the divine damage they dish out. I can easily get a kill on 6* lirs dragon, but I'd have to not kill any adds, and have 0 evades to have a chance at getting a snorri kill.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Mage vs rogue

Ice blast has a shorter range than ice shard, fire bolt, and firestorm, putting you in aoe range to cast it.

OTM had ice blast right when they first released it but nerfed it by 45% for some odd reason. I think low level castle dwellers made a stink about ice mages in pvp so OTM severely reduced dps for ice mages. 10% reduction for ice shards and 45% for ice blast, all on the same day.. It is in the patch notes if you want to look it up.

From the patch on 15/05/2013:

Decreased energy cost of Ice Blast by 10%
Decreased power of Ice Blast by 45%
Decreased power of Ice Shards by 10%
Decreased power of Firestorm by 20%
Decreased power of Incinerate by 10%
Decreased power of Energy Shield by 25%
Increased recast time of Firestorm by 5 seconds


In the end, mage is the least played class in this game. It wont change anytime soon. Rogue is currently the most popular class.

Here's a comparison of Fire and Ice:
Take that damage, and multiply it by 25% which will be your damage on a dl boss on average because of the 2k+ resist. Then factor in a 20-30% evade rate.
Lvl 191 Mage, to lazy to level past that.
Lvl 150 Druid

Re: Mage vs rogue

Im taking the mage side, I normally get a 4 lock with a lure and ice shard, and if no pierce lure is up, you could get the kill on the bosses. Also the rogue records are set with assassinate, a skill that is not often used, and is useless for getting locks because its 30% or less health on the enemy to use.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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