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Am i doing ok?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:29 pm
by Dynamit3
So far my mage is lv77 and i use my stats 2:3 vit:foc
My gear is:
warden legs, gloves and boots,starter top (will get warden at 80) and gold energy crown,masters grim and black cloudburst rod.
My jewellery is hero ammy,invig brace,+2,3,4,5 fire attun,i need 1 brace and a charm still.
My skills are as followed:
Firebolt 20/20
Firestorm 20/20
Fire attun 34/20
Fire lure 10/20
Rest in e-shield
Except for the braces and charm what else could i do to improve my fire mage?

Re: Am i doing ok?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:09 pm
by The Devils Fire
Dont use so many rings on ur fire autt. It us important but if u die it is gone. What i do is leave 5 skill points off of my lure because up in higher lvls there is higher resistance. But get more rings for fire storm and fire bolt. And once you are lvl 100, focus more on your focus, and upg ur vit every 3-5 lvls. Focus has skills hit harder, i have 2k health at 110 and that is good enough for me. But focus more on firebolt/storm rings and once lvl 100 do more focus.