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Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:42 pm
by Furyion
Hey everyone.

I had a few people ask me about automages, and I wanted to attempt to make a PVP alt to showcase automage, so here it is!

It's a pretty off the wall automage build, using a dagger as a mainhand... yep, people were confused when I told them I was going to make a dagger mage. Basically everyone at a low level found out that swords and mages are a no-no, since you cant get the ability for it(and thus gain 0 attack or dmg boost for using it). So you will only have an attack of 5, which basically anything, even a training dummy can dodge. So why did I go dagger? Well cruel knife is THE FASTEST WEAPON IN THE GAME. With heroic gloves, you hit the speed cap of 1100, and with a golden blade of fire, dmg helm, and earthstone bp thats 300 FIRE damage. With which as a mage, fire lure can be used, transforming that into full damage, by reducing their resist to 0. Thats great but with an attack of 5 nothing can be hit, so like my aggy trident build suggestion in my guide, I used attack+ gear. The damage helmet has 150 attack, and the bp has 200, giving me a decent attack rating of 355, which should be good for anyone around my level. I had some people ask me why quartz pants, well I wanted some focus to boost lure, and I wanted the armor/resist it offers. I used a bear mount for the hp and the shield skill. I used the boar pet for hp and armor(mages paper armor :/)

Hope you enjoy this example as much as I did putting it together.

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:03 am
by krummy9552
Otm could simply add a physical damage type to mage wands and it would be viable for endgame and provide mages access to the divine dmg that disadvantages them on raid bosses. Just a thought hehe.

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:15 am
by Mind
Love the amount of thought put into this, Fury! Hope to see it action! (I do like the name btw :D)
btw: "bear mount*" ;)
Otm could simply add a physical damage type to mage wands and it would be viable for endgame and provide mages access to the divine dmg that disadvantages them on raid bosses. Just a thought hehe.
Might help, but for 2 things:
-Auto range is closer than skill range so mages would take more AoE hits (squishy death).
-To be very effective mages would need extra attack (see above) and strength (and dexterity if no attack gear and less than major doch gul), which they would have to sacrifice from focus (yes, the stats plateau, but that much?) and casting gear (this is the biggie).

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:24 am
by bob the mage
I posted something earlier about this, only real way wands would be effective for an EG dps build is if
A) range of wand is at least buffed to be same as fire damage skills... really I think all mage skills need a range buff to be same as rangers .-. Why r we mid range dps? Rangers r more buffed than mages ._. They actually have armor ._. And edl is decent for dps I like mage edl...
B) wand ability would need to give a lot more attack or have a stat other than attack for derterminibg wand accuracy... attack gear would shred a mages dps and no wand auto would make up for it :/

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:35 am
by Shivahh
I posted something earlier about this, only real way wands would be effective for an EG dps build is if
A) range of wand is at least buffed to be same as fire damage skills... really I think all mage skills need a range buff to be same as rangers .-. Why r we mid range dps? Rangers r more buffed than mages ._. They actually have armor ._. And edl is decent for dps I like mage edl...
B) wand ability would need to give a lot more attack or have a stat other than attack for derterminibg wand accuracy... attack gear would shred a mages dps and no wand auto would make up for it :/
Some could disagree with me on this, the dl.edl wand has some nice focus boost and it's decent for a mage that can't grab weps from bank or can't get raid bosses, and hence that otm could turn it into something that MORE supports auto mages.

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:28 am
by krummy9552
Im not saying auto mage would be op (not what mages are meant for) but it could be an interesting addition and fun to play around with.

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:34 am
by Furyion
Love the amount of thought put into this, Fury! Hope to see it action! (I do like the name btw :D)
btw: "bear mount*" ;)
Good catch, I fixed it.
-Auto range is closer than skill range so mages would take more AoE hits (squishy death).
There are some wands(notably the wand of hallows and yulestave) which have additional range, but they aren't strong like the dl wand is.
-To be very effective mages would need extra attack (see above) and strength (and dexterity if no attack gear and less than major doch gul), which they would have to sacrifice from focus (yes, the stats plateau, but that much?) and casting gear (this is the biggie).
In the build I made, the additional attack was because mages do not have proficiency in daggers so they don't have attack from it. If it was a wand, novelty, or fists there would not be an attack issue. Though at higher levels mages have the disadvantage because their dl armor does not come with an attack boost(like rogue/ranger), and they cant use supporting jewelry without hurting spellcasting. You could use an attack lix to boost it, but it can only do so much against bosses.
Im not saying auto mage would be op (not what mages are meant for) but it could be an interesting addition and fun to play around with.
There is a way auto mage can be op now, but there would need to be a better way of hitting high level bosses. You could max out wand, and use an attack lix, and maybe have a friend whos willing to pack smoke bomb, though idk how well that would work. But my idea is that you could eat the damage foods(some of it is really strong), and use the correct lure and deal low resist/unresisted damage that way instead of element stacking(which isn't viable at high lvs because its not enough). Wands are slower then a dagger, so rogues using the same food would do better at a boss while said lure is being used, but you can make yourself a one-man army.

I included a picture of the best food in the game. If a mage ate this, you'd see a boost of about 4000 damage. Which, with a fast auto/haste, and provided it didn't miss, it could deal a massive dps rate. Though that's a tall order to get a hit rate like that. Its even worse that good foods are hard to make(especially this one), but its a good note on what could be done.

I really would like to see automage be more viable, but for now, its only really worth doing lv 1-(99-119) due to the difficulty involved.

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:41 pm
by Eurydice
That was really interesting to read, thanks for taking the time to put together and write it up! I genuinely didn't even consider an auto mage an option. I'm still to busy trying to make the best hybrid mage I can :p

Re: Auto-Mage Example

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:49 am
by Agent K
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