Have you guys ever watched Ed edd and edie?.... Mabon is kind of like that show....
Same kids in every episode....Thats how mabon is everyday.
(There is actually a theory about the show, kind of like a creepy pasta)
Re: See a pattern?
#12You mean the... Lost episode! *dun dun dunnnn*Have you guys ever watched Ed edd and edie?.... Mabon is kind of like that show....
Same kids in every episode....Thats how mabon is everyday.
(There is actually a theory about the show, kind of like a creepy pasta)
Re: See a pattern?
#13You uh....you lost me.
showercurtainlvl 105
fappleslvl 75
fappleslvl 75
Re: See a pattern?
#14What world are you on?idk what your talking bout, i love my world

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~ ShadowClan