You people need to stop being so weak hearted and accept the fact that you can't have billions of human beings on this planet for very long.
Population control is a good and healthy thing.
Again i feel absolutely no regret in saying with confidence you sir are horribly ignorant and immoral.
First off i take it you are offering to commit suicide to help this over population problem? Perhaps talk your family, loved ones and friends into this pact too? Or is it simply intended for someone whom you don't even know like the black box from the old Hitchcock series or its modern remake into a movie?
If you had a highschool, perhaps giving some credit here, undergraduate knowledge understanding of history you would see your fallacy. You see the brightest minds on the planet just over 150 years ago "proved" the earth couldn't support much over a billion people. The astonishing thing is
they were right! Of course it was with 1850 tech with no antibiotics, no food preservation, no fast information transmission, horse manure piled 3 stories high in cities like New York, no public sanitation, no rapid transportation (besides trains), no electricity, no modern farming machines or fertilizer or gmo crops, no modern medicine, etc.
What they failed to realize is the spread of technology and how it revolutionized our understanding and living. Moreover, with many billions of people we have more well educated and intelligent people than ever before, all living at the same time, globally connected by nearly free and instant information transfer all having amazing tools at their disposal. These are the people that will cure cancer, remove the effects of aging, create sustainable free and cheap power, etc. By stupidly saying they shoud die you are shooting yourself in the foot. It's incredibly stupid.
All we need is self replicating robotic technologies, weak AI, and nuclear fusion to sustain a population in the hundreds of trillions for millions of years. There is enough deuterium in the ocean for fusion to supply a thousand times the world consumption for billions of years we don't even need to go off planet or dig down for it.
So next time you suggest we don't need this many people i suggest you volunteer.