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Re: Ebola Catastrophy

I like how people are concerned about Ebola when millions of babies die from abortion and the parents dont give a damn
The only babies that die from abortion are rare cases where there is medical necessity. A clump of cells with no brain is no more a baby than the skin cells you murder in the shower every morning. Every one of those cells has the potential to become a human.

Glad to know how concerned you are over a woman's right to her own body. Stereotypes broken = 0

Perhaps if you actually understood medical science beyond the preschool level you would have a different view. As it is i have absolutely no respect for people who not only are ignorant of science fact, but willfully so and yet feel they have the right to have an opinion on the matter. Doubly so when they feel they have rights over others, such as a woman and her reproductive rights.
Lol medical necessity
Lmao the reason parents abort their babies is because they want to have enjoy life and not care about children lol
You are the ignorant one
Last edited by flamingduckee on Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Flamingduckee- lvl 155+ druid full froZen
FlamingDPS- lvl 86 rouge
Flaminghawk- lvl 20 mage
RIP Solitaire
Clansman of Marath
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John 3:16
https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/i ... 054AAhfLoh

Re: Ebola Catastrophy

I like how people are concerned about Ebola when millions of babies die from abortion and the parents dont give a damn
The only babies that die from abortion are rare cases where there is medical necessity. A clump of cells with no brain is no more a baby than the skin cells you murder in the shower every morning. Every one of those cells has the potential to become a human.

Glad to know how concerned you are over a woman's right to her own body. Stereotypes broken = 0

Perhaps if you actually understood medical science beyond the preschool level you would have a different view. As it is i have absolutely no respect for people who not only are ignorant of science fact, but willfully so and yet feel they have the right to have an opinion on the matter. Doubly so when they feel they have rights over others, such as a woman and her reproductive rights.
I also like how you overreact over this lol
Flamingduckee- lvl 155+ druid full froZen
FlamingDPS- lvl 86 rouge
Flaminghawk- lvl 20 mage
RIP Solitaire
Clansman of Marath
RIP-ferdais blades
John 3:16
https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/i ... 054AAhfLoh

Re: Ebola Catastrophy

As someone who lived in Africa for most of my life (the latter part being spended in the US), I can confirm that they do have alot of rituals and ceremonies, almost all of them requiring close proximity to the dead.

I didnot dispute that
I disputed the labelling of africans as a whole when it is a massive continent with many countries
I wasn't really referring to anyone, i was just inputting my knowledge. :)
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Re: Ebola Catastrophy

Ebola isn't a catastrophe.

Over 1,300,000 people die every year from road crashes. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.
Births worldwide is estimated at about 134 million per year.
Making Ebola harmless to the human population.
Labelling 4000+ Ebola deaths a catastrophe is retarded.
Apart from propaganda, i can't think of many other good reasons as to why it should be getting this much attention.
It is in fact so small and completely irrelevant to all of us.

Current estimates are that between 75 and 200 million people died from the Black Death.
That many humans being annihilated in such a small amount of time is what I'd call a catastrophe.
Saying Ebola couldn't be a catostrophe is pretty ignorant.

Just be because something is diffuse and unreported like auto crashes dosent mean its not one. There isn't a 2 or 3 or x limit per year or something. The fact you would say its ok because 1.3 million die already means you are part of the problem - being complacent instead of outraged and proactive about seeking a better solution. You would probably have been one of those idiots saying we shouldn't be forced to have seatbelts in cars - or later airbags. Pure dumbassery.

If all the best measures have been taken and everyone works together a massive Ebola tragedy can be avoided yes. But if measures dont work well in 4 months 1 million will die. Within 6 months more (if by some unfateful turn nothing is done despite the obvious world wide threat) tens of millions will die it is exponentially growing

Its pretty much like saying the flu isn't a catastrophe. Only thousands die every year in the US. The black death has not killed as many people in all history as the flu has killed in the last 100 years and barely killed more people at one single time than the flu. Besides other later outbreaks killing millions the 1918-19 one killed 50 million. Is 50 million enough for you to be shocked into caring?

If the entire world is monumentally stupid and thinks its ok to do nothing it could even put deaths into the 9 figures. Its pretty hard to imagine even stupid and ignorant people will do nothing once deaths climb past 1m. By then it will be far too late to stop it as easily as back when it was 200 cases and people just thought it didn't matter to them.

I honestly hope you are one of the first to go. You have earned it.
Please point out where i said it couldn't be a catastrophe.
Please read things more carefully.

I said it isn't a catastrophe.

Meaning at the moment with so little deaths i personally don't define it as a catastrophe.

I see it as being over reported and hyped up into something it's currently not.

Re: Ebola Catastrophy

Ebola has kind of made me paranoid though.

A coworker of mine just came back from Nigeria and I have been avoiding him ever since...everyone has! Its sad and probably wrong, but still...why take the risk? I am prepared to run as soon as he coughs.
Wow, you and coworkers are controlled by the propaganda the news puts out that easily?

Re: Ebola Catastrophy

You people need to stop being so weak hearted and accept the fact that you can't have billions of human beings on this planet for very long.

Population control is a good and healthy thing.
That is true but if it was in China or India or a Mexico (Mexico for the US) we are screwed because of China's and India's overpopulation Ebola could escalate to millions :?
Flamingduckee- lvl 155+ druid full froZen
FlamingDPS- lvl 86 rouge
Flaminghawk- lvl 20 mage
RIP Solitaire
Clansman of Marath
RIP-ferdais blades
John 3:16
https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/i ... 054AAhfLoh

Re: Ebola Catastrophy

You people need to stop being so weak hearted and accept the fact that you can't have billions of human beings on this planet for very long.

Population control is a good and healthy thing.
Again i feel absolutely no regret in saying with confidence you sir are horribly ignorant and immoral.

First off i take it you are offering to commit suicide to help this over population problem? Perhaps talk your family, loved ones and friends into this pact too? Or is it simply intended for someone whom you don't even know like the black box from the old Hitchcock series or its modern remake into a movie?

If you had a highschool, perhaps giving some credit here, undergraduate knowledge understanding of history you would see your fallacy. You see the brightest minds on the planet just over 150 years ago "proved" the earth couldn't support much over a billion people. The astonishing thing is they were right! Of course it was with 1850 tech with no antibiotics, no food preservation, no fast information transmission, horse manure piled 3 stories high in cities like New York, no public sanitation, no rapid transportation (besides trains), no electricity, no modern farming machines or fertilizer or gmo crops, no modern medicine, etc.

What they failed to realize is the spread of technology and how it revolutionized our understanding and living. Moreover, with many billions of people we have more well educated and intelligent people than ever before, all living at the same time, globally connected by nearly free and instant information transfer all having amazing tools at their disposal. These are the people that will cure cancer, remove the effects of aging, create sustainable free and cheap power, etc. By stupidly saying they shoud die you are shooting yourself in the foot. It's incredibly stupid.

All we need is self replicating robotic technologies, weak AI, and nuclear fusion to sustain a population in the hundreds of trillions for millions of years. There is enough deuterium in the ocean for fusion to supply a thousand times the world consumption for billions of years we don't even need to go off planet or dig down for it.

So next time you suggest we don't need this many people i suggest you volunteer.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Re: Ebola Catastrophy

Ebola isn't a catastrophe.

Over 1,300,000 people die every year from road crashes. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.
Births worldwide is estimated at about 134 million per year.
Making Ebola harmless to the human population.
Labelling 4000+ Ebola deaths a catastrophe is retarded.
Apart from propaganda, i can't think of many other good reasons as to why it should be getting this much attention.
It is in fact so small and completely irrelevant to all of us.

Current estimates are that between 75 and 200 million people died from the Black Death.
That many humans being annihilated in such a small amount of time is what I'd call a catastrophe.
Saying Ebola couldn't be a catostrophe is pretty ignorant.

Just be because something is diffuse and unreported like auto crashes dosent mean its not one. There isn't a 2 or 3 or x limit per year or something. The fact you would say its ok because 1.3 million die already means you are part of the problem - being complacent instead of outraged and proactive about seeking a better solution. You would probably have been one of those idiots saying we shouldn't be forced to have seatbelts in cars - or later airbags. Pure dumbassery.

If all the best measures have been taken and everyone works together a massive Ebola tragedy can be avoided yes. But if measures dont work well in 4 months 1 million will die. Within 6 months more (if by some unfateful turn nothing is done despite the obvious world wide threat) tens of millions will die it is exponentially growing

Its pretty much like saying the flu isn't a catastrophe. Only thousands die every year in the US. The black death has not killed as many people in all history as the flu has killed in the last 100 years and barely killed more people at one single time than the flu. Besides other later outbreaks killing millions the 1918-19 one killed 50 million. Is 50 million enough for you to be shocked into caring?

If the entire world is monumentally stupid and thinks its ok to do nothing it could even put deaths into the 9 figures. Its pretty hard to imagine even stupid and ignorant people will do nothing once deaths climb past 1m. By then it will be far too late to stop it as easily as back when it was 200 cases and people just thought it didn't matter to them.

I honestly hope you are one of the first to go. You have earned it.
Please point out where i said it couldn't be a catastrophe.
Please read things more carefully.

I said it isn't a catastrophe.

Meaning at the moment with so little deaths i personally don't define it as a catastrophe.

I see it as being over reported and hyped up into something it's currently not.
So the highlighted above isn't your typing? Yes it's even more clear you didn't think. While idiots will misplace fear and act irrationally this IS a catastrophe and yes its dumbassery like your beliefs that are the cause of letting a containable outbreak blossom into a full blown pandemic.

Saying the current outbreak isn't a catastrophe is like having a thermonuclear warhead detonate over one of the worlds largest cities. There is an off switch that stops the blast at any time in this case that is harder to turn off the more people die. If enough people die more bombs appear over more cities. Saying it isn't important to people because it has only killed 4000 in the first few microseconds is sheer stupidity.

Viral outbreaks like these put the world at risk. People need to be informed of science facts so they are motivated to protect themselves in realistic and effective ways.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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