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Re: Pi Day

I memorize d the first 20 digits of pi, 3.14159265358979323846. On of my friends memorized over a hundred, Albert Einstein's birthdate is 3/14 too: p
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One of herne's nubs._.

Re: Pi Day

Actually 9:26 on the 53 second. 3.141592653
Actually thats just the 8 digits a calculator shows, it has like 42 more lol.

Pi's decimal representation has no ending and no recurringg pattern that has been proven to date. As of 2013, we've found 10^13 or 13.3 trillions digits of pi.

42 is a bit off bud :)
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Re: Pi Day

Ah 42 more I knew about in some calculator (on interenet, I dont think any actual calculator shows more than 8). I only memorized the first 8 tho, should I memorize the other 2,699,999, 992?
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Re: Pi Day

Ah 42 more I knew about in some calculator (on interenet, I dont think any actual calculator shows more than 8). I only memorized the first 8 tho, should I memorize the other 2,699,999, 992?
Gotta love that guy named Crim! :3
★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
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Esquilax is the best!

Re: Pi Day

Actually 9:26 on the 53 second. 3.141592653
Actually thats just the 8 digits a calculator shows, it has like 42 more lol.

Pi's decimal representation has no ending and no recurringg pattern that has been proven to date. As of 2013, we've found 10^13 or 13.3 trillions digits of pi.

42 is a bit off bud :)
Yes ik that, but i was js that on pi day 3/14/15 (3.1415) at 9:26 am/pm on the 53 second it would be some digits of pi. 3.141592653
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