Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: what is your favorite top 3 YouTuber?

iDubbbz is really funny, very clever and well made videos, FilthyFrank is also brilliant in a totally different way, and when those two work with MaxMoeFoe, magical things happen.
Sad that the cake trilogy ended :(
Rogue - Bugs 221
Been a Celtic Heroes Shill since 2011 ._.
"There are so many bugs in this game that sometimes it feels like I’m playing Starship Troopers"

Re: what is your favorite top 3 YouTube

iDubbbz is really funny, very clever and well made videos, FilthyFrank is also brilliant in a totally different way, and when those two work with MaxMoeFoe, magical things happen.
Exactly, love this dark humour, h3h3 is also a great channel. Don't see what the hoopla is about gaming channels, especially pewdiepie
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: what is your favorite top 3 YouTuber?

Gaming youtubers: Seananners and Mr Sark for a quick laugh and MangledPork for some nice indie games.

For others: iDubbbz is great, Phillip Defranco, Vat 19, NoobFromUA as well.
I stopped watching Phillip Defranco for the longest time but his recent commentaries on social / internet issues has grabbed my attention again.

Kind of feels like a wise internet uncle.

Re: what is your favorite top 3 YouTube

iDubbbz is really funny, very clever and well made videos, FilthyFrank is also brilliant in a totally different way, and when those two work with MaxMoeFoe, magical things happen.
Exactly, love this dark humour, h3h3 is also a great channel. Don't see what the hoopla is about gaming channels, especially pewdiepie
Gaming channels and reaction channels are boring imo, iDubbbz' content cop series is brilliant in rooting out worthless channels
Thund3rstruck- 225 DG Warrior
St0rm- 215 Druid
Bowz- 215 Ranger

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