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Re: Planes


Never been on a plane, never left the UK...I've lead quite a sheltered life I suppose xD

Though been on plenty of ships even with my fear of water which is somewhat strange now that I think on it :)
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Re: Planes

I think terrorists of 2014 have enough common sense to just buy their own airplane to crash into our monuments instead of sneaking onto a public one.
Why buy if you can steal?
Ranger since Winter Event 2011
222 in Danu

Re: Planes

Thats the price of Airbus or Boeing plane in 2008.
1- they dont have money to waste and i dont think they could buy one (without partner or a governement)
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Ranger since Winter Event 2011
222 in Danu

Re: Planes

2- train pilot and do high jack cost nothing compare to buy a plane so why be dude and waste dollars who can be useful for gear, learn explosive maniements for kill americans,brittish in Afghanistan or french in Malia.
Ranger since Winter Event 2011
222 in Danu

Re: Planes

2- train pilot and do high jack cost nothing compare to buy a plane so why be dude and waste dollars who can be useful for gear, learn explosive maniements for kill americans,brittish in Afghanistan or french in Malia.
If i was a terrorist i would find a way to buy one that way there would be an element of surprise. Whats the point in stealing one with the big chance of being caught? And when your blowing yourself up there wouldn't be a big reason to worry about money...

Re: Planes

2- train pilot and do high jack cost nothing compare to buy a plane so why be dude and waste dollars who can be useful for gear, learn explosive maniements for kill americans,brittish in Afghanistan or french in Malia.
If i was a terrorist i would find a way to buy one that way there would be an element of surprise. Whats the point in stealing one with the big chance of being caught? And when your blowing yourself up there wouldn't be a big reason to worry about money...
If you were a terrorist where will you find the money for buy a plane at 300millions of dollars?
Your plane (i will say you bought one who is 50years old at russian ppl for a cheap price)

Nice you have a plane but now how will you do for fly over USA with no identifications,no passagers, no fly road ? Your plane will be anonymous for the fly controllers, you will automatically be a menace.
Interceptors (F-14 in USA, mirage,rafale in France or eurofighter in great brittain or germany) who are in alert 24h/24 will come near your plane and see you have no passengers.(it mean you can be targetted, no civils will be killed)
He will ask you to land your plane on the nearest base, you said no because you are a proud and intelligent terrorist.
How many sec do you think it will take for him to go in your back and fire a mica or an Apache?
He can also ask a army boat to send a sol-air missiles.
Be sure its really efficace, us navy shooted down a civil plane (they thought it was a unknow army plane and it worked nice, no survivant)

So good luck and all my wish for your attack,
Ranger since Winter Event 2011
222 in Danu

Re: Planes

My only fear related to being on planes is having to sit near an annoying child with a mother that won't control them, because I've heard of that happening multiple times, and that's not very appealing to me. No fear related to getting on a plane, though.
TheRedHerring- 200+ Ranger
WassupBro- lv 100ish rogue
"MEEEAAAAAAAAT! (no vegans allowed)"
Since Summer 2011.
Officially re-retired. Yes my avatar is cringe, I was 13.

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