Ebola isn't a catastrophe.
Over 1,300,000 people die every year from road crashes. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.
Births worldwide is estimated at about 134 million per year.
Making Ebola harmless to the human population.
Labelling 4000+ Ebola deaths a catastrophe is retarded.
Apart from propaganda, i can't think of many other good reasons as to why it should be getting this much attention.
It is in fact so small and completely irrelevant to all of us.
Current estimates are that between 75 and 200 million people died from the Black Death.
That many humans being annihilated in such a small amount of time is what I'd call a catastrophe.
Saying Ebola couldn't be a catostrophe is pretty ignorant.
Just be because something is diffuse and unreported like auto crashes dosent mean its not one. There isn't a 2 or 3 or x limit per year or something. The fact you would say its ok because 1.3 million die already means you are part of the problem - being complacent instead of outraged and proactive about seeking a better solution. You would probably have been one of those idiots saying we shouldn't be forced to have seatbelts in cars - or later airbags. Pure dumbassery.
If all the best measures have been taken and everyone works together a massive Ebola tragedy can be avoided yes. But if measures dont work well in 4 months 1 million will die. Within 6 months more (if by some unfateful turn nothing is done despite the obvious world wide threat) tens of millions will die it is exponentially growing
Its pretty much like saying the flu isn't a catastrophe. Only thousands die every year in the US. The black death has not killed as many people in all history as the flu has killed in the last 100 years and barely killed more people at one single time than the flu. Besides other later outbreaks killing millions the 1918-19 one killed 50 million. Is 50 million enough for you to be shocked into caring?
If the entire world is monumentally stupid and thinks its ok to do nothing it could even put deaths into the 9 figures. Its pretty hard to imagine even stupid and ignorant people will do nothing once deaths climb past 1m. By then it will be far too late to stop it as easily as back when it was 200 cases and people just thought it didn't matter to them.
I honestly hope you are one of the first to go. You have earned it.