Well, the silence was held 21 days ago, anyone else forget about it? lol
This just seems ridiculous to me. Everybody be silent to honour something that cowardly ended it's life? Nty.
Its easy until ur in someone's shoes.
I'll just state what I think about what was being said in here and run off :
Normal or abnormal, how to define it? Well.... Neither. We're not capable of defining it as it is quite a paradox that is beyond human's current brain usage. Philosophy says that if the human would be able to use more of his brain (what we use now is very low) then it would be possible to think in ways that seem impossible now, in other words, paradox exist due lack of human brain usage.
As for the bible, its also a tough one. Im jewish, does it mean I dont accept homosexusal ppl? I do accept them. Am I grossed by them? Im not, I have some I know, some I dislike due their personality (I'll add something about it later) but I know gay ppl who have great personality and are great ppl and I dont see any problem hanging near them or talking to them.
What does annoy me is what makes it that way, and I think that even gay ppl themselves make it that way. A common person (including myself ofc), if called gay would be offended, but u dont need to be offended as its not offensive. Some might hate it, but black, gay, jewish, muslim, arab, lesbian, trans and all these things that are often hard to talk about arent offensive. Something I really hate it when gay ppl differ themselves from others, for example in comedy, many many gay ppl take many jokes (that are meant for fun, not to insult ofc) as offensive, yet its fine to joke about straight ppl. The parades, I dont like them, I find that a need to have attention and a way to differ themselves from others. What about other ppl who arent as accepted among ppl? Many ppl are racists, races dont have their parades for that do they? And racism is one of the worst things in the world.
Now as for the bible itself, ppl here who are atheists use the words 'sin' and 'going to hell' while having near to no knowledge about the bible. Does the bible send a gay person to hell? No matter what? Do u think its just a sin that is so bad that cant be fixed? Then u need to correct urselves, the bible first of all talks about the good of ppl, not the religious ones, not those who pray, not those who never sin, but good ppl.
Many good ppl sin, and lets say that being gay is a sin, does it mean it cant be fixed? Do u think that the bible really says that a good person whos gay will be sent to hell? Thats really idiotic (there are many religious ppl who say that, and I just laugh at them). The religion may not accept that, but it doesnt mean that it'll be heavily punished. All in all, dont use the bible so carelessly, ur making fools out of urselves.
Suicide, its good to talk about it as it helps (been proven too), but its very complicated to speak about it as u can never understand it until u go through the feelings, hopefully u wont suicide urself.
Transgender, 'he' or 'she', I dont care, its a human? Great, thats all needed, u can call it shemale if u want, its still a human being.
Overall, this thread was good at some point but went down the road, its excellent to debate, but that wasnt a debate, also while the CH community is mostly amazing, in anything religious related or sexuality related, this forum is one of the most ignorant forums Ive seen, ppl can hate each other and crush anyone's opinion to 'prove' his, thats one of the things that I hate seeing the most, many ppl here just say 'f*ck u opinions' if its an atheist/religious/a person supporting something such as homosexuality talking, just because they strongly unaccept it and thats just disgusting.
Bigotry, thats a new word I learned from all these types of threads, that, and that many ppl are here that type of ppl for no reason.