Atheists could easily reply to you and say that those who are religious can't handle the fact that we don't have all the answers and can't handle that there may not be anyone higher than them to look to. You see where I'm going?Reading these newer posts. I see Atheists are whining because they can't handle the fact of a presence higher then them.
It's like they want to be adults and do whatever they want, without rules. Therefore, I find that Atheists are mostly denying religion because they want to have control.
Bad childhood perhaps?
Atheists have just as many rules as everyone else. Our lives are governed by rules and law, set by us. Most of the world revolves around hierarchy and so I find it hard to believe that atheists don't like having anyone above them with rules or control. Religious people can have control of their own lives as much as atheists can.
Atheists may argue that bad childhood and a protected upbringing can lead to narrow-minded religious adults. You would argue that this is not true, as your argument is not true.
I come with an open mind, but there seems to be an answer to the logic you are raising. The primates DID evolve into superior beings. We have more complex language, we are physiologically more superior - our brains are similar but humans have a larger frontal lobe for reasoning and calculation. That's why we can build houses and cause advancements in medicine and technology. In terms of why the primates did not ALL evolve into humans is down to speciation caused by geographical, allopatric, or behavioural, sympatric, isolation.The evolutionists commenting here are simply not rational, and refuse to listen to reason. So I am done trying to convince them. However I must say, if evolution was indeed real, which it most certainly is not, then that means these apes, should have evolved into superior beings, while some might arguably say that we have, I'd say, not necessarily. Sure we've made huge advancements in modern medicine, and technology has largely improved in the last decade.
Have we really improved as a species though?
Since 1914, war has constantly plagued mankind. Just 21 years after World War I ended, a second world war broke out, killing far more people. One estimate says that World War II cost some 60 million lives. Since 1945, wars have been more localized but just as brutal. Some historians estimate that well over a hundred million people lost their lives in wars during the 20th century.
Please spare me the lecture and pass the banana, I'd much rather be an ape.
World War I and II were caused by certain individuals and governments and not by the general population. You think the citizens of each country wanted a war? Wars are a completely new debate altogether, and are mostly created with the (pretty naive) aim of creating rules and/or order. Hitler for example wanted his own set of rules to be implemented which was one of the main factors of WWII. Wars nowadays can be over oil disputes and the rules regarding them. We have rules, but we dispute over them. It can easily be applied back to the Crusades - there was violence there over religion - religion isn't all glamorous!