I can't even begin to count all the weird/creepy whispers I have gotten just because I have a female character...
Sometimes I will just be in the castle putting stuff in my bank and some person will come up, take off all their armour/clothes and start dancing and blowing kisses at me. Then they whisper something perverted. Most whispers I get are from guys asking if I am a girl IRL and trying to get me to talk dirty to them. It's usually pretty harmless and I can ignore them, BUT I have gotten a few stalkers in this game.
I was training with one guy for a couple days. We barely talked until he asked me how old I was. When I told him my age, he got all excited that we were the same age and he started saying that he was in love with me and wanted me to be his girlfriend. All I ever told him was my first name and age. One day he tells me that he liked my pictures on facebook and starts to accurately describe some of them...I NEVER GAVE HIM MY FACEBOOK! My account is private and I still have no idea how he found it!!
I actually stopped playing for a little while because of this.