I have actually seen some scenes off YouTube and it looked mediocre, like a lesser cousin of Rome and Game of Thrones.You might like to try the Spartacus TV series. Be aware though, it's definitely not for kids. It has a lot of R rated content that Game of Thrones has. Also, they had to recast Spartacus in season 3 because the actor who played him died. Still, it's a good story and I think you'd enjoy it.Rome - 2 seasons - 9/10
This HBO show is probably the reason Game of Thrones exists on the TV. Based on Caesar's reign and the succession afterwards while also looking at things through the Roman soldiers perspective. Very entertaining despite the fact that battles were cut off because of the already bloated budget, which was the highest at its time, and one of the reasons the show last two seasons. The writers did try to fit in fifteen years of history in the latter part of the second season so it will feel rushed at the cost of an ending.
Since TV shows consist of hours in investment I only indulge in the highest quality of television. I have yet to watch quality stuff like The Shield, Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood, and Sherlock, so Spartacus will be way down the ladder.