May you elaborate on Jesus Christ as the bridge?
Sorry I took so long to reply. I've been thinking of the best way to respond specifically to this topic.
To recap your initial comment:
Where is the bridge between godly and human thoughts and values?
First know that Humans can not have thoughts or values without God. God is the very reason for these things. When man commited Original Sin we seperated ourselves from God without any way to get back. There was nothing we could ever do to pay this debt because we would have to be perfect in order to pay it and due to sin we were imperfect. Enter Jesus. God who became man so as to pay the debt for us. A debt that he could pay because he was perfect and yet a debt that he himself did not need to pay. But he came for so much more than that. He came to show us how to live. How to love one another as he loves us and (very importantly) that he could now relate to us. We can no longer say something like "How can God know what it feels like to suffer as I do?" because he DOES know. He is the true bridge between us and the heavenly Father. A bridge that closed the chasm that we created through our own free-will.
We must be careful here not to use this as an excuse to do whatever we want in life or misinterpret the scripture verse: "Saved by Faith Alone and not Works". It is very true that Faith is a gift and no work you do can earn it however if I gave you a Ferrari chances are you could never pay me back for it but you sure could drive off a cliff.
Now we will never know what it is like to be God. We can never be him. But though Jesus we can enter into a state of union with God. We can be true children of God.
This is really the best I can do here. I am not a Theologian and this is a very complex question but there are way better answers. I would (again) highly recommend reading this: Its $7 and a very fast read.
I suppose I write these vague responses hinting to one way and you perceive it in a different way, which is completely fine. In the past, science and religion were really the same which does lead to many innovations of science with roots in religion.
Not really. Even as far back as Plato, Archimedes, Euclid etc. There was a clear distinction.
It is more in the recent era where you will find Science v. God which may be in part due to the fact that science changes and religion, for the most part, does not.
I would actually argue the opposite. I think the issue here especially in the last 100 years is that science has become LIKE a God.
Science is (from the dictionary):
:: The systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms
This never changes. Not ever. Not even one iota. Our knowledge of the sciences change. We progress in our ability to measure and understand our observations but science is science. It does the same thing now as its ever done. It has no place in the study of God. God is Meta-Physical which means he is not a matter for science.
Religion on the other hand changes quite a bit. I mean look at the differences between the old and new teastement.
Now God himself does not change in his nature this is true. There are actually things that God can not do. Changing is one of them. He must remain immutable. This is why the whole Life Force : God is the universe idea is nonsense. The universe changes quite a bit.
I also feel the need to point out other things that seem to be common ideas with religion. Why does God have to be male?
God is neither male nor female. He does not have a gender as he is Spirit. Jesus Christ (who is God) was male and he confirmed that we should address God as Father. I know confusing right? God isnt male but his son is who is also God. It can mess with your brain. Like: How can God have a mother? I'm afriad these points of Theology are simply to complex to get into on this forum. I can give you some reading suggestions if you would like a better understanding of these things.
Why choose a side when you can attempt to solve a dispute with logic and diplomacy, therefore, saving all of the creations and not just o
Im not quite sure I understand what you mean here. Are you refering to heaven and hell?
Even when one follows the idea that God's limited interference is due to the acceptance of human free-will, there are humans out there that have the will to be better. People dying and suffering do have the will to survive and make the best of it. Why not provide at least some help? :/
God provides lots of help in the form of Grace. Sometimes he even interfears more directly. Regarding the amount of help: If you had a huge bucket the size of your house and every moment a drop of water landed in the bucket. At the end of your life the bucket would hardly be able to contain the amount of water given to you.
Every moment God is helping. In fact God has YOU in mind at every single moment of your life. He has to. He is the reason for your very existance. He maintains you IN existance every single moment. If he turned away from you even for a second you would cease to exist. In the eyes of God you are unique, precious and unrepeatable. I know there is suffering and sometimes quite frankly it completely overwhealms me. Remeber though that God thought free-will was worth it. He thought what happens in the end for those who love him was WORTH IT and we dont have a better idea than God.
God Bless