Well bob lost a leg, i believe that the people who took beth are with father. Im also pretty sure bob got bit and gareth and his group are now infected. My prediction: rick will kill father, daryl will find beth and either him or carol will be hurt in the process, bob is going to lose another limb and live, and Morgan is going to appear either next episode or the one after that and help the group and some way.
I think your on to something with Bob being bitten. I watched it over and noticed his face after fighting the zombie in the water. Tasha asked are you alright he responded I am now but his face I'm like hmmm. My guess is after they become infected like you said they will force the group to go to the place for the cure. I think more people will get involved even crazier then the cannibals.
Excited about Morgan back in the picture. His character was very useful and he's a man with nothing to lose. Carol watch out I think you have met your survival match. Ha
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
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