Evolution is only controversial in the bible belt USA among the uneducated and the scientifically challenged.Most faiths are controversial, evolution is controversial. Pretty much everything you have learned in your life comes from humans, you are a human. Why so against Christianity?I would also like to address the whole debate on how right or wrong the actions of the christian God are.
This is a very common topic of discussion where people who allegedly don't believe in God pick at his actions and the Christians try to justify them. Pardon me for saying this but: you do realize that that is completely irrelevant to whether God actually exists or not, don't you?
Honestly, hate to burst your bubbles, but just because you don't like the way someone does things, does not make them not exist. I really hate Hitler but I don't think he isn't real because I don't like what he did. That is a terrible argument and if you don't believe in God I would honestly expect you to come up with something better. To me it looks more like you do believe in God and are just mad at him.
If you don't believe in God, you have no right to judge his actions.
Sorry if that little rant offended you.
I'm not religious myself but, the way I see it: if God really does exist and created everything, he can do whatever the heck he wants and guess what? None of us have any right to judge his actions. If he really did create everything then he created right and wrong and therefore defines right. So either you believe in God, in which case: saying he did something wrong makes you vain and arrogant, or you don't believe in God, in which case: what is it to you?
i understand and agree with this to a degree, i do not believe in god, and people who do believe in god are not my issue. my issue is with the faith itself, and having faith in a deity/set of laws which are so very controversial and the only "proof" of which comes from humans
This topic has had its ups and downs but recently its degraded into what most online discussions on religion do: a bunch of butt hurt atheists hating on Christianity. I just don't see how this topic is staying positive.
The evidence from fossils all having related lineages, to being deposited in the right areas and layers to be consistent, to the DNA and mitochondrial DNA linking all life including plants and bacteria into one giant tree of life is not only incontrovertible but the basis of medical science that has already brought far greater lifespans and health than any religion.
I mean ffs you can watch it happen in the lab with short reproduction time organisms like bacteria. It's the reason why vaccines are losing thier effectiveness.
Im really sorry that your religious beliefs aren't true. I'm not insulted but quite saddened actually. You really need to learn what is real before reality catches up with you - it is completely uncaring and unforgiving.