Ok guys lets be real, 9/11 was most likely a government job anyways. American government wanted iraqs oil and wanted a regime change there for ages, so they did what they tried to do with Cuba (until JFK cussed out some generals on TV). And that is frame the country to rally support for a war, there is no real democracy. If there was the bush would have let people vote about the war. Instead of just going in.
Im not one to side with republicans on any issue other than perhaps fiscal responsibility and even I don't think it was an inside job.
9/11 was Afghanistan in case you had forgotten. Nothng to do with Iraq.
If they needed a reason they would just have made up a bs story like bush did with the non-existent WMD which did get the US and supporting countries into Iraq. No need to do hundreds of billions of dollars of damage to the economy like the 9/11 attacks did by destabilizing things. Makes more profit to make up a bs story, invade, then have the country pay our contractors to rebuild.
Maybe you should start a conspiracy thread so we don't go off topic lol.
Edit: nvm lol there is no way you can be serious. But back on topic let's hope some good news comes out about the plane.