The fact that energy and matter are equivelant and that the energy in the visible universe is constant and that energy cannot be created or destroyed is very interesting. For example as the visable universe expands we see new stars and such form, but this matter is borrowed from the gravitational field at the edge of the visible universe. Information (as in the descriptive mathematics behind particles) also cannot be created or destroyed - not even if thrown into a black hole. Additionally the entropy thing is often misunderstood. The universe started with near zero entropy and will increase forever as far as we can tell. But that's essentially just a way of saying that the initial energy was highly concentrated in a small volume and is expanding into a larger volume forever. These conditions are what are very curious and provide clues to future research and theory.Actually, Einstein's E=mc2 shows us that energy and mass are essentially the same thing, which is why when we take matter and anti-matter and put them together there is a release of energy, so in theory there has to be a backwards method to this. And just because we were made in a finite time doesn't mean the universe cant be infinite, and even if this is so, why choose to believe christianity over all other religions?I did make an argument for the existence of a god earlier, and I don't think anyone has given any objections to it or comments on it yet.Again, I see attempts to disprove God. Where are the attempts to prove that God exists?
I am not trying to be rude but if someone actually does try to find proof by quoting scripture... I will facepalm unless there are other sources.Personally, if asked, I would say the most likely explanation is that the universe came from "a god". God meaning something that operates outside of the laws of our universe. Here is my logic behind this:
Assuming the universe exists and is not all simply my imagination and I do not exist, there are three possible scenarios: The universe has always existed, the universe created itself, or something outside of the universe created the universe.
The universe cannot have always existed and have no beginning because eternity is a logical impossibility. Also since thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe is increasing and the universe is tending toward chaos, at some point, a state of pure chaos must be reached and life will be unable to exist. This state will only take a finite amount of time to be reached, but if the universe has exited for an eternity than any finite amount of time has already passed and pure chaos will have been reached an eternity ago. The fact that we exist proves the universe had a beginning.
If the universe created itself than it directly defies its own law that matter cannot be created or destroyed, making the universe operate outside its own laws and therefore classifying the universe as a god because it operated outside of the laws of the universe. The universe operating outside of itself is a contradiction and the laws of thermodynamics must be rejected in order for it to be possible. Note that there are religions that worship the universe itself as a god (pantheism)
If something outside of the laws of the universe existed before the universe and created the universe and all the laws that govern it, we could logically have the state of the universe that we have today while accepting the laws of thermodynamics. This is the most logical explanation which is why I choose to belive that the universe was created by a god.
I have heard the big bang theory used to state that either nothing exploded and created everything (the universe created itself) which is an explanation of the origin of the universe but must be classified as pantheism, or that something exploded and formed everything, in which case the something had to have come from somewhere making this not an explanation of the true origin, but rather an avoidance of the actual question (a logical fallacy).
And you have grossly mis-interpreted what happened in the Big Bang, in the Big Bang two branes/universes (they are called branes in the sciencey world) collided and merged, or one brane split, and that is how we exist, also the centre point of the Big Bang would have been a singularity/black hole of a supermassive size
The brane hypothesis of the origin of the Big Bang is a good one with alot of energy and research going into it but Id add it isn't a theory status yet. For example the branes near ours would suck up some gravity so gravity would bleed away to them and vice versa which makes it testable. There really isn't a center point of the Big Bang from our perspective. Odd thing is where ever you are in the universe - you are always at the visible center. People have looked a long time for some type of order on the largest scales - some anisotropy that would be a clue as to a center - or looked at the background radiation from the big bang which is still visible - but havent found and solid evidence. So it is the leading theory that there isn't a center from our 3 dimensional space and time perspective but that dosent mean in some higher dimensional space there was not one.
Its nearly a fact that it came from a singularity (just meaning so much energy in such a small point it would collapse under normal circumstances). There is lots of evidence for that.