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Re: 1 million reply! (go down in history)

Hello, Im Pr1est from world Taranis

im currently the number 3 druid in Taranis, healing max 1203, half support half dps, and it is not uncommon for me to tank the harder SV bosses and easier OTW bosses.

i'd like to thank KUMI, who got me started on druid and motivated to keep trying :)

Peace out!
Demi - lv 95 Rogue - (DPS)
Pr1est - Lv 126 Druid (Hybrid)

Re: 1 million reply! (go down in history)

Hello, Im Pr1est from world Taranis

im currently the number 3 druid in Taranis, healing max 1203, half support half dps, and it is not uncommon for me to tank the harder SV bosses and easier OTW bosses.

i'd like to thank KUMI, who got me started on druid and motivated to keep trying :)

Peace out!

You can tank them? That's badass... What are your skills and stats?

Re: 1 million reply! (go down in history)

i am the pigman i am the result of a rather uhmmm... (id rather not talk about it) union between guzzletusk and the fairy queen, i was left to be raised by the people of lirs reach by my "mother" when i was born without wings. The people of lirs named me pig because i liked rolling in the dirt and pooping on the ground.
when i matured i inherited the speed and wit of the fairies(i was unaware of my fairy heritage) and also the strength and ferocity of the mighty boars in stonevale. apon reaching maturity i started to grow hair in abnormal places, as well as more than normal amount of hair. my teeth grew long and pointed which were kindly removed for my by the doctor in farcrag(he died recently, just when update 3 came out, bless his soul) and my teeth were used to make my first pair of daggers.
Recently i realized my fairy heritage when i woke up with wings! (YAY) I can now tear my enemies to shreds while dazzling them with my stunning male fairy body.

and that is the (skewed and possibly inaccurate) story of the pigman!

(cant remember if it was this story or the one where i got drunk and was watching kid tv and there was a show about a pig... and named my toon after the pig... hmm)
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

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