Celtic Heroes

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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

It has been confirmed a crash with no survivors. Worse part is some of the families received the news via text msg :/. News conference on it sometime today with more details. So sad
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

It has been confirmed a crash with no survivors. Worse part is some of the families received the news via text msg :/. News conference on it sometime today with more details. So sad
Or so they say due to satellite images of debris. CNN just said theyre still looking for the black box that will locate the body of the plane. They're assuming all lives have been lost which is most probable.
Herne Rogue 140+ - INACTIVE


Re: Missing Flight #MH370

It has been confirmed a crash with no survivors. Worse part is some of the families received the news via text msg :/. News conference on it sometime today with more details. So sad
Or so they say due to satellite images of debris. CNN just said theyre still looking for the black box that will locate the body of the plane. They're assuming all lives have been lost which is most probable.
No we believe its part of another plane from Southwest Airlines.

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

It has been confirmed a crash with no survivors. Worse part is some of the families received the news via text msg :/. News conference on it sometime today with more details. So sad
Or so they say due to satellite images of debris. CNN just said theyre still looking for the black box that will locate the body of the plane. They're assuming all lives have been lost which is most probable.
No we believe its part of another plane from Southwest Airlines.
Your saying it isn't them? I'm watching the news saying it is. Now I'm confused.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

What ever happens, I hope for the best. Sad that 239 souls who didnt know Jesus was on that plane :(
Who said none knew Jesus :/
First off that's pretty insensitive to say. Second there were two Americans and probably some Jesus believers on the plane. Just because the bulk of them aren't American dosent mean they werent some type of christian.

Third they know where the plane roughly went because they used the Doppler shift that shortened or lengthened the radio pulses that were sent to satellites from the engine telemetry. While they are calling this groundbreaking i would eat a hat if they haven't had this tech for 25 years and just kept it secret. They have narrowed it to a 100 x 500 mile region. It is doubtful anyone survived.
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Re: Missing Flight #MH370

What ever happens, I hope for the best. Sad that 239 souls who didnt know Jesus was on that plane :(
Who said none knew Jesus :/
First off that's pretty insensitive to say. Second there were two Americans and probably some Jesus believers on the plane. Just because the bulk of them aren't American dosent mean they werent some type of christian.

Third they know where the plane roughly went because they used the Doppler shift that shortened or lengthened the radio pulses that were sent to satellites from the engine telemetry. While they are calling this groundbreaking i would eat a hat if they haven't had this tech for 25 years and just kept it secret. They have narrowed it to a 100 x 500 mile region. It is doubtful anyone survived.
Whoa, i never said just cuz there werent a lot of Americans doesnt mean they're not Christian
A person starts to live when he can live outside himself. - Einstein
God is subtle but he is not malicious. - Einstein

Re: Missing Flight #MH370

May all who may have perished Rest in peace. Let's not make this a debate they have a religious post already. Let's reflect on how we should live life to the fullest. Sorry to all those families. Shannon ty for posting to keep us informed.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

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