An exception to matter being destroyed would be antimatter, but antimatter does not create matter and we still know very little about it.I am aware that matter can be converted to energy the actual equation looks like: E=mc^2. Energy can also be converted to matter. That is not creating or destroying matter/energy, it is changing its form, note that this is described in the law: matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form. The total amount of matter/energy in the universe remains constant. note that matter and energy are used interchangeably in the first law because they can change between each other.Yep traveling at the speed of light freezes time for you - it is the equivalent of instantaneous travel for the observer - however the universe will age around you at normal speed. Traveling faster than light through physical space isn't really possible - doubly so if you have mass.Aggra the 4th dimension is time, you are travelling through it at right now, although when you move at all time slows down by an amazingly tiny amount, and going faster than light results in going backwards in time, just like going at the speed of light freezes time (at your local area)
Oh and ElEldric - mass can be created and destroyed. That's how nuclear power works. The difference is mass in a nuclear reaction may be small but energy = mass x speed of light ^ 2 which is quite allot.
Edit* antimatter reactions also produce energy in very large quantities, implying that the matter is changed to energy rather than destroyed. Again, we don't know that much about it.
Also, sorry about all the posts in a row but I am trying to reply to a bunch of mini conversations and copy and paste is a pain.