If there are any VATSIM pilots here can anyone tell me how you’re supposed to file a flight plan with the correct STAR when you don’t even know which runway you’ll be landing in as the departure airport is probably out of range of the destination ATIS? Thanks
Just summoning you for the answer above, since you posted this a while ago. Just now seeing it after somebody bumped.
Now... assuming you really want to indicate a preference but can't get the ATIS. Just use something like...
You can put your departure and arrival airport into the flight plan tool and it will generate a route for you. The route will normally include the applicable SID/STAR that will work best for your direction of travel. You can also hover over your destination with a mouse and it will bring up the current METAR, then you can use that to infer the runway in use. Then you can make a pretty good guess as to which STAR is being run into the airport. Normally STARs are more about your direction of approach rather than your landing surface. Most STARs will route to multiple landing surfaces and will diverge at some point within the terminal environment to set up for instrument approaches to different pieces of asphalt. In that case, you find out which branch to take when you make initial contact with your terminal radar approach controller. Something like...
"AAL387, Anchorage approach, confirm ATIS hotel, expect ILS runway 7R"
or, if the STAR actually joins the instrument portions and your sequence is already mapped out... you may just get a straight up clearance for the approach even tho you are still 60 miles away.
"AAL387, Anchorage approach ,cleared ILS runway 7R approach"
AAL387 could be way out still descending from the flight levels... but if he is on the NEELL6 arrival... then the method works... you would just continue to descend via the NEELL6 until it connects with the localizer for 7R and then commence the approach.
Just... again... don't be married to the route you file. It is not your fault if ATC needs to change it, it is part of our job and is a very basic task for us to accomplish. You're not really hurting anything by filing a SID/STAR that gets changed later.
Going back to the NEELL6 example, if traffic is in the way... I would not clear you... I may wait until I move some other players around to ensure your spot in line... or I may take you off altogether. Such as....
"AAL387, Anchorage approach, confirm ATIS hotel, fly heading 070, maintain 4000; vectors for sequence"
If you are ever issued a vector off of a STAR, you should also be given an altitude to maintain. You should also be told if you can expect to rejoin the arrival route at a later segment. I might just dog leg you off of it and slow you down to create space and then have you rejoin the arrival on an intercept heading... if that is my intent, I need to convey that to you so that you don't clear out your FMS and have to scramble to get it put back in.