There are quite a few them actually. Here are some I’ve found overtime.
1. Draken Cliffrunner
This guy requires some out of bounds exploration. A friend of mine and myself were fooling around outside of the map in Heroes Landing a while back in Belenus and a little behind the lighthouse inside of a rock under the water you can find a unique mob called Draken Cliffrunner. No other mob with this name and the name obviously implies that he ran off of the cliff and is now stuck there
2. Alon McMusket and Geoffrey Beezels.
Names sound familiar? Yes? That’s because these two dudes were obviously named based off of Elon Musk, product architect and CEO of Tesla (as well as the true meme lord) and Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. Can find them just before the Dino raid boss, across the bridge near Northern Peninsula.
3. Srengs ass crack. *spoiler cause the pic of srengs ass crack is a bit inappropriate* (idk how to get the spoiler to work (fk it I’ll just show it))
This one is inappropriate but also hilarious that the devs decided to implement this
We discovered it during a beta test last year (Unity I think) as someone just randomly had their camera behind sreng and long behold there was a full moon inside Carrowmore Tunnels. Funniest thing I have ever seen ingame
Those are the ones I know of, and I’m certain there’s more to be found.. makes me happy to see the devs put in this amount of fun creativity inside their game