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Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:24 pm
by Brianx
Lol so i was talkin to a friend and i asked him "What did the ocean say to the other ocean" he was like "What?" I said "Nothing they just waved!" Then i asked him "Did you SEA what i did there?" Then he was like "-.-" so i told him that im SHORE he saw what i did xD he was being such a BEACH about it :lol: If you have a good pun post it xD

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:35 am
by Guffy
I love puns. I wanted to make my own play and have every single line in it a different pun, I was gonna call it A Play on Words.

But seriously, a bit back this website was hosting a competition where you submit your best puns and the winner got them published in a book. I submitted like 10 different entries and kept checking the website daily to see if I won. Finally the results were out so I brung up the results to see if any of my puns won, unfortunately no pun in ten did.

Sorry these jokes are bad. They aren't very punny. They are so bad they deserve PUNishment. Reading these jokes are stressful and may make you want to have acuPUNcture. I hope if someone sees this they can exPUNge all these lame jokes from this post and I will be treated without imPUNity. I mean seriously they are so bad someone reading this could attempt seeking PUNitive damages.

Ok I am done. If I start to go again I give you permission to PUNch me.

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:57 am
by Brianx
I love puns. I wanted to make my own play and have every single line in it a different pun, I was gonna call it A Play on Words.

But seriously, a bit back this website was hosting a competition where you submit your best puns and the winner got them published in a book. I submitted like 10 different entries and kept checking the website daily to see if I won. Finally the results were out so I brung up the results to see if any of my puns won, unfortunately no pun in ten did.

Sorry these jokes are bad. They aren't very punny. They are so bad they deserve PUNishment. Reading these jokes are stressful and may make you want to have acuPUNcture. I hope if someone sees this they can exPUNge all these lame jokes from this post and I will be treated without imPUNity. I mean seriously they are so bad someone reading this could attempt seeking PUNitive damages.

Ok I am done. If I start to go again I give you permission to PUNch me.
LMFAOO!! You sir made my day!

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:31 am
by CommunityBot
Need an ark? I Noah guy.

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:14 am
by Pestillence
Need an ark? I Noah guy.

Lol. Enough said. Did you hear about the guy whos whole left side got cut off? He is all right now!

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:29 am
by FalconX
I made this one up in about a minute.A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:36 pm
by rouge1235
Wow.. Hey guys, anyone need a hand? Or a foot or a toe? No, but I need a toe truck.

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:38 pm
by rouge1235
Need an ark? I Noah guy.

Lol. Enough said. Did you hear about the guy whos whole left side got cut off? He is all right now!
LOL! Lmfkao!!! Ok ok ok *breathes deeply* His left side got cut off... so he only has his right side :S
This isn't a pun but..
A squirrel was chopping wood when a tree fell on his leg. In his pocket he had a spoon, a piece of paper, and a feather. He starts to cut off his leg... When he finishes, he realises he CHOPPED off the wrong TRUNK XD

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:00 pm
by Brianx
A prisoner's favorite punctuation mark is the period. It marks the end of his sentence ;) Also i noticed when the clock gets hungry it goes back 4 seconds :lol: xD

Re: Post Your Best Puns Here!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:19 am
by Guffy