Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: What kind of headphones do you use?

I wish there was a voice chat option. It would make bossing so much easier, but not sure if this is even possible playing on I-devices. Then we could use PC type headphones with a mic.
Stinkypants of Taranis
The fallen star clan, www.thefallenstarclan.blogspot.com

A knight is sworn to valor His heart knows only virtue His blade defends the helpless His might upholds the weak His word speaks only truth His wrath undoes the wicked.

Re: What kind of headphones do you use?

Well the title says it all personally I use the ha-FX1X extreme explosives by JVC and they are AMAZING had them for about a year now and still sound as good as they did when I first got them also here's a pic of em :)
I have the XX jvs Big overhead ones. I cant remember the name. I'm not sure if you know what im talking about. I love them

Found a pic

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