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GSCE citizenship.

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:41 pm
by Nub Main
Right so yeah more homework, I know a lot is filler, but we have to reach a specified word count, and since they are marked by computer, and on certain words, they teacher says it Is ok. But anyway ignoring the filler, is there anyhring that could be improved upon? Also strong points too?


Homework 1:

We are trying to encourage children (year 7s) to be more involved with charity, particularly our house charity, the Children’s Society.

This is an important issue because and is essential to Britain because:

Donating to Charity can give a person a sense of wellbeing. Knowing that you gave something such as time, and money in order to help others in need can give you a sense of inner satisfaction; knowing you did something good for other people

Selfless giving is a part to lots of religions, like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. Realizing that you have taken a big chunk of time or money to help those in need like Jesus did can give you a sense of inner peace.

After donating money to a good charity or group, a need to become more involved by giving up your time. By volunteering, you have the chance to make new friends, see new things and get fit. This is important as many people are becoming overweight or obese and this can be counteracted by exercise, which can be done by working hard at a charity.

When thinking about donating to an organization, lots of people will research what they do and what this will change in the world. As a result of this, you may become more educated about problems which are happening around the world. You may discover new points of view and opinions on different matters you were not aware of. This knowledge may inspire you to do something about these problems, and see things in an equal and balanced way.

Some citizenship knowledge you will gain would be: The importance of charity and donations this is important because some people may not know how essential charities are to developing countries around the world.

You can develop the skills of teamwork and research because if you decide to volunteer for a charity you will often be working in teams helping people. Also you will research to decide whether or not it is a charity you want to work with and support.

Charity work will help you participate in society more as a ‘Citizen’ because a good citizen will give up time and/or money to help a just cause the person cares about.

Homework 2:

Project aims written by Miles Carroll:


Our first aim is to get Year 7s more involved in the Charity Children’s Society. We will achieve this by inspiring the year sevens to try and be Christ to all and donate money to those less fortunate than them. We will measure this by giving a piece of paper and letting them vote in a box to rate our activity. We will know we are successful by looking at the results and determining the overall feedback.
Our second goal is to create an effective activity to educate them about our house charity. We will achieve this by having a fun an engaging activity that is enjoyable to participate in and also educational. We will measure this by looking and counting the feedback from the Year sevens vote apples. We will know if we are successful or not when we get the votes back from the box.
Our third aim is to learn more about our own house charity, The Children’s society. We will achieve this by learning about the work the charity do for the kids and researching it to make our activity more effective and educational. We will measure this by the quality and feedback from our activity and how much of its facts and games are related to work the charity do. We will know we are successful by once again checking the votes from our poll.

Extra stuff:

Me: How do you feel about young people volunteering for charity work?

Miss: I think its wonderful.

Me: Do you think young people volunteering makes a difference?

Miss: Oh definitely

Me: Do you think enough young people volunteer?

Miss: I don't know how many do but I say not enough.

Me: What do you think of David Cameron's big society?

Miss: In priniciple it sounds jolly good but whether it will work or not time will tell
Our fourth goal is to develop the important skills of leadership, creativity and social skills. We are going to achieve this by working hard on our respective jobs and making sure their done to the utmost quality. We will measure this by reflecting on our grades when the task is done and seeing what we could have done better and what we did well. We will know we are successful by hopefully having good grades and a fun activity that makes the year 7s more interested in doing charity work and hopefully teaches them about the children’s society.


Have just made this section up because haven’t got Jonny’s work up on the blog.

We need to research about pressure groups and charities in general to discover why they are so important. This is so we can justify the importance of them to the Year 7’s we will present to. We will find this out using books, the news and the internet.

We need to find out more about our charity, The Children’s Society, because we need information to create a relevant activity. We will do this by looking at their official website.

We need to find out the percentage of young people who are involved in charities. This is to show how few actually do a good thing in this country. We will do this by asking a person who would know this, or by looking at statistics on the internet, or by conducting a survey on social media.

We need to find out about young people’s views about charities. This is because we need to know how eager and keen they will be to get involved and how much persuasion they will need. We will do this by asking young people about their views on charities, face-to-face, or via a web forum/social media.

We need to find out what older people think of young people. This is so we can prove to the children that volunteering in a charity is good for your CV, and may make adults think more highly of them, and may help to eradicate the bad press young people get. We can do this by asking face to face or doing a social networking survey.

We need to find out young people’s opinion on getting more involved in charities, because if they are not eager we can help persuade them, and if they are willing we can make getting involved in a charity more accessible.

We need to find more about David Cameron’s Big Society because one of its initiatives is to help charities. We will do this by asking someone who knows about this, and/or looking on the internet.

My Role/s and responsibilities.

As the Activity designer, I am in charge of designing a fun, educational activity that will persuade young people, year 7’s in particular, to get more involved in charity work. I need to tell the Resource Manager, Walid, what I need to make the activity, and Jonny, the Researcher what I need researched. I also need to give my ideas to the Group Leader, Miles, so he can say whether it’s a good idea, or add suggestions and other ideas.

Role/s and responsibilities of other’s in our group.

Group Leader: Miles:

He will oversee everything. He must coordinate our efforts so we can get a good grade and get young people more involved in charities. He will have to add input, and make sure we stay on task and do not forget anything we need to make it successful.

Researcher: Jonny:

As the Researcher, Jonny is in charge of researching any information we may need, such as information on charities, statistics, and polls. He has a very important role, as without him we would not be able to find out as much relevant information.

Resource Manager: Walid:

Walid’s job is to ensure that everything I need to make a good activity is brought in in advance, so we can set up. We need to set up on time, and we cannot be late. This is an important job, as without this we will lose a large portion of our possible grade, as we won’t have an activity.

Homework 3:-

Positive and Negative ideas about young people:


They try to work hard so they can help other people.
They work well as a team and are better connected throughout the world with help of social media.
They like helping less fortunate people than themselves, and will raise more awareness and money through social media.

They are selfish and lazy, only caring about themselves and money.
They are on electronics too much.
Many youths are vandals, and petty thief’s and steal what they want, as they are anti-social.
Arguments for and against young people doing more volunteer work:

For: Gives them a sense of wellbeing. Also will make them feel like they are making a change in the world. Finally, it allows them to help other people and get experience in the world.

Against: No time for fun. Lots of time is already taken up by homework. Children will have little time to be social or play outside. Finally Children might think it’s their place to relax and then work hard when they become adults. After all, childhood is when you grow and mature, not work!

What do young people think about volunteering?

Olly Grant: I think it’s a good thing because it help-s people who need help.

Miles Carrol: I think it’s well good yo, because they get a good rep.

Charlie B: I think young people volunteering for charities is a very good thing to get young people into at a young age. I helps society, and makes the world a better place.

Young people volunteering through history:

In world war two lots of children volunteered to help make weapons and planes. They did this because if they were lazy, the Nazi’s invasion of Britain would have become a reality, and the children would have been enslaved and murdered.

Arguments for and against David Cameron’s big society.


Inspires people to volunteer and keep the city and country running for free.

Teaches young people to act maturely and selflessly.


Many people, such as librarians, litter pickers and janitors will have to be made redundant, and they will be out of a job in this hard way.

People cannot afford to have the time wasted to volunteer and they may be struggling to make ends meet. This is terrible as we should not have to volunteer if we cannot pay for our own needs. Thank you bye.

by Oliver Archangeli in year nine john paul two

Homework 1:

I will be showing my activity presentation to year 7s and their teachers to help, encourage, and persuade young people to get involved in charity. Young people are very important as we need them to get involved in charity.

I will show my project to the young people, so they can get involved in charity and make the world a better place. By showing them this, they can change the way they feel about charity and also do something about it.

The main aims of this presentation is to:

One: Awareness:

I want to raise awareness of my charity and other groups. This is so more people may want to become involved and volunteer in a charity. I also want to raise awareness of the importance of volunteering, so people will understand just how important volunteering is and may want to get involved. Finally, I want to promote the importance of fulfilling responsibilities. This is important as it will help them when they become adults in jobs, and other important tasks and responsibilities, because if you don’t fulfil them you will get into trouble and may fail in life.

Two: Attitude:

I want to change people attitude towards charity. As of now, most young people think it is boring and “goody-goody” , which, in this day and age is not something most 'hipster' and 'cool' young people are interested in being seen as. My aim is to change this and make volunteering and charity work be seen as 'da bomb' and 'rad' so most children will be eager and excited to get involved in some cool volunteering. I want to make them want to volunteer and not be embarrassed. I also want them to have a good attitude about the benefits of volunteering. For example, the benefits on your CV and how it helps less fortunate people than yourself.

Three: Policy: I want to make Volunteering and Charity Work part of the curriculum so children can see what needed and also how vital volunteer work is and charity work is for the nation that is the United Kingdom. By making Volunteering unavoidable, we may be able to get more children involved and they may like it and want to do more of it.

Four: Behaviour: I want to encourage and make young people who haven’t volunteered try it and get involved. I also want them to try and raise money by hosting fundraising events such as car boot sales, garage sales and cake sales. However, I don't want volunteering to be seen as a punishment for bad Behavior. No, instead, I want it to be seen as a treat, a fun thing to do, for example, sporty children could host an obstacle course or an assault course which could cost money for a go. All the money could then go to a deserving charity. Children who like to cook could do a bake sale, and make their own food. This would be great, as the children could have fun making it, while also making money for a good cause. Children who are interested in crafts could, for example, make a painting or sculpture, then have a neighborhood art exhibition, or even an art sale.

Five: Accessibilty:

i want it to be easy to get involved. Quite a few children would get involved, but there are not many opportunities and ways to get into charity work. With David Cameron's big society, children would find it alot more easy to get involved, as he wants all people to volunteer to help keep towns, streets, and libraries in order and maintained. This would be good, as it would provide an incentive to get involved, (clean streets, clean town, good quality services) and would help keep the local area clean and free from trouble.

Homewirk 2:

1. To make the year 7’s understand the importance of volunteering. This is important, because if they don't k now what volunteering is, they won't want to volunteer, and become an extremely valuable member of our society.
2. To understand how vital these charities work is to our society. this is important because in order to feel empathy, they need to know how essential charity is for the UK.
3.What the benefits are to volunteering. If there are clear incentives for volunteering, such as a good CV, children may want to volunteer so it will help them later on life.

I chose to do an activity becuase when I did coursework day, I learnt the most and had the most fun from the activity day. I want to let the young people learn alot, but not be bored and be put off from volunteering.

Benefits of choosing an activity are:

1. They may have fun and therefore think that volunteering is fun an get involved to help our nation.

2. Creative people can join up and use their talents and abilities to get a good grade.

3. People may want to do volunteering if they see it being applied in a practical way. This is called kinesthetic learning.

Disadvantages of choosing an activity may be:

1. It might be boring, and off put young people from getting involved and s would be bad, becuase if we put young people off volunteering and charity work, we have failed our aims, and by failing our aims we will get a bad grade,X which will impact us in the future.

2. Reliability. You have to rely fully on your Resource Manager and if he/she forgets, you will not have anything, therefore getting a poor grade, and therefore impacting not just their, but also the entire group's future.

3. It may take too long, and they may not learn anything in such a short time space. This would be negative because if they do not learn anything, they won't want to volunteer.

an activity is a good choice for year 7s as they are young and hyperactive, and may enjoy doing something which lets them run around and have fun. Also, at this stage in life, you learn a lot from everything, so even a fun activity will still fill their brains with knowledge and hopefully a want to volunteer. This would be good because the more they learn, the more they realize volunteering is vital for the UK.

Another way is choosing a presentation. Although you may learn a lot about volunteering, they can be boring, and so the young people may zone out and become disinterested and therefore be put off from volunteering. The young person may be more stimulated and therefore learn more from an activity and that's why I chose it because the more they learn the more they will want to volunteer.

To measure the first aim, I will take a survey of ten year 7's, and I will ask them how important they think volunteering is. After, I will take another survey of the same year 7's and see if any of their opinions have changed. This way I can see how much my activity has impacted the year 7's thoughts on volunteering.

For the second aim, I will ask year 7's the benefits of charities. I will record how many they can come up with. Then, I will ask them after Course Work day and see if they learn anything more. This will measure how much they've learnt during the entirety of Coursework Day.

For the final aim, I will ask children if they want to volunteer. If they say no, I will say they get an improved CV and better credit for universities, colleges and jobs. Then I will ask them again, and see if they say yes.

To see how good our groups impact was, I will make printouts of a poll, asking them how much fun they had, what they parent, and if they want to volunteer etc. I will record this down and see how many are positive and want to work. This would be good, as it's a simple and efficient to survey an entire classroom.

Also, we may interview some children and record their voice, so we have evidence of what the general concensus of coursework day was. This would be good, as it allows us to prove honestly what the year 7's now think about volunteering, for better or worse.

An ability to answer questions will prove useful as it will allow our group to answer any question the children may have on volunteering. This way, if they want to get involved but are still a little unsure, we can tell them what they need to know which will maybe get them involved in volunteering. This is good, as they have a person who has studied coursework day to ask anything they need.

Also, I will have a teacher evaluation sheet. This allows the watching teacher to judge our groups progress, and give us feed back on how to improve. This way, a responsible adult will be able to give a true, unbiased judgement of how well we worked.

Post-it-notes: I will select a certain amount of year sevens to write their opinions of our activity, as well as a rating out of ten, a strong point, and a point I could improve on. This way, my group will know what we must improve upon to get a better mark at a similar situatuation to this one.

A website: Before the year 7's leave I will give them a slip of paper with the name of a website, which will direct them to an online survey about the activity. It will ask them how much they enjoyed it, a score out of ten, things to improve upon, and how much they learnt, and if it changed their opinions on volunteering.