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Dear younger ranger <3

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:58 am
by Nameless Shadow
I've been playing CH for a little under 2 years. Started as a rogue on gwydion but soon felt the call to mabon. And that is where my real CH adventure starts. For basically everyone who has a ranger and takes it seriously, we know rangers are hard...very hard. Certainly not for first time players, in my opinion at least ;) so that said, if I could go back in time and give my young ranger self a kick in the pants, this is the advice I would give myself (and you ;) )
1) stop the dueling. JUST STOP IT! You got nothing to prove kiddo, so do us all a favor, maintain your average PVP rating, and DONT FRICKIN DUEL ANYONE (unless they're obviously not going to defeat you)
2) focus more on strength. I always put a ridiculous amount of points in Vit, don't ask me why.
3) stop leveling lightheal so damn much. You're a ranger not a fricking druid!! (Yes someone actually asked if I was trying to be a ranger/Druid at one point XD )
4) don't worry so much about fashion...worry more about RINGS. Rings are gonna make you a helluva lot more Gucci than fashion. People respect strong rangers, not cute and useless ones (I'm only saying this because I was that)
5) chill with the sks until lvl 50-60 In my experience it was easy enough to get to lvl 50 without ANY lixes.
6) do your damn bounties kid! Do your bounties before your quests, before your leveling, before ANY of it. And tbh, lixing should be the last thing you do until you're a higher level and have completed the quests. Really just lix if you need to be a certain level for a quest. Leave the majority of the lixing until you're past lvl 90 ;)
7) make friends with higher level rangers and ASK ASK ASK advice. They love answering your questions, they're not too good for you
8) LEVEL THE HELL OUTTA BOLAS!!!! You'll continue using this skill all the way through and all too often first timers don't know that.
And finally 9) its ok to have to take a break and make an alt if ranger is too overwhelming. Just don't give up, because rangers are highly sought after in endgame clans

Re: Dear younger ranger <3

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:42 pm
by Eragon123
1. Truer words have never been spoken
2. Rangers aren't tanks ;) (or are we?..... :? )
3. Noooo, I am one of those ranger/druids! Lol, love my 1.8k heal. I was in the top 5 rangers on all servers for max heal before crits, never got around to getting it back.
4. Yeah, people care more about fashion than gear.
5. Pfft on practically all my characters I never used elixirs until 100+ (unless I was power leveled with a higher level).
6. Weren't around when I was a noob, I wish they had been, maybe after 4 years I'd have a decent pet.
7. Oh yeah, most people who play rangers as mains are pretty cool people. I for one love to help people out. Spent about an hour and a half the other day helping someone get from the start of shalemont to midway through stonevale.
8. Yup, nothing else really needs to be said.
9. Rangers are definitely helpful late game, especially if you are in a small clan and don't have many tanks / druids, kiting all the way.

Re: Dear younger ranger <3

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:50 pm
by Nameless Shadow
Are you serious bounties weren't around in your younger ranger days?! That is insane! Can't imagine my life without them.
And i admit I laughed hard when you said you're a ranger Druid :lol: ranger druids certainly have their place in CH, but I was way over the top with my ranger Druid obsession. All I would ever level is my lightheal and maybe occasionally barbed shot hahaha!

Re: Dear younger ranger <3

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:18 pm
by Alyssandra
No bounties, no longshot, no sharpen weapons, no double shot, no end game offhand quivers, dex didn't boost skills as much as it does now, and agg spear rangers with earthstone were cool when I first started playing ranger. xD

Never hate on light heal young padawan.

*tips hat to otm on ranger improvement through the years*

With Love,
Former Ranger Complainer

Re: Dear younger ranger <3

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:51 pm
by Nameless Shadow
Wow I really gotta hand it to you trailblazing veteran rangers, you guys really truly had it tough. That's when it took actual skill to be a ranger! And I love lightheal, I just got obsessed over it in my bitty ranger days :lol: but it makes me all giddy to hear from fellow rangers, I love it :D

Re: Dear younger ranger <3

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:50 am
by Eragon123
Yup, life was a bit tougher for rangers back in the day. Much better now.

As for Light Heal, my best heal (before the most recent update) was 2305, which was enough to get me around #5 across all servers. I've gotten a bit more dex gear since then, so I might be able to get it higher (then crit it). My goal is to stay in top 5 ranger heals on all servers. When I have time to play around with gear to hit max possible heal, I'll post a pic of my results ;) .

Re: Dear younger ranger <3

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:25 pm
by Nameless Shadow
Hats off to you! Good luck and Can't wait to see the results ;)